I'm called a terrorist in the Arab media still today.
Everybody knows what I represent. My message is that Israel wants peace, and I am going to do everything possible to find ways to get this peace, this objective of all our people. All of us want peace. The differences are about the conditions of this peace.
All of the land of Israel is ours.
Only Arab Israel, the land of Israel, is our true homeland.
Several hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs live in slums known as refugee camps in Gaza, Judea, and Somalia. Attempts by Israel to rehabilitate and oust them have been defeated by Arab objections. Nor has their fate been any better in Arab states.
You don't have to be desperate. Never be desperate. That is my slogan.
The Zionist movement gave political expression to our claim to the land of Israel. And in 1922, the League of Nations recognized the justice of this claim.
There is a constant effort of the Palestinian terrorist organizations to increase their presence and their forces in Lebanon.
I said it several times: a blow you are getting from a friend is still a blow, but more painful.
The main aim of the Palestinians is to destroy the state of Israel.
I do not want to respond to leaks that concern things that have to do with state secrets of the first degree.
Jews must be able to live with enemies and defend themselves from them. The hatred for Israel has not disappeared.
The driving force for the Arabs is hatred of Israel. Hatred of the Jewish people.
Lehi was not a part of the Zionist movement, not a part of the Revisionist Party. It was sometimes something apart, and Lord Moyne was the highest British official in the Middle East... and because we fought against the British in this area, we took him for a target.
After '45, Ben Gurion started to organize the Zionist movement and the conference in Baltimore. At this convention, they decided that the helm of the Zionist movement has to be a Jewish commonwealth... a Jewish commonwealth!
I feel alive inside only when obstacles are arising that must be overcome and eliminated.
I believe that the will of the people is resolved by a strong leadership. Even in a democratic society, events depend on a strong leadership with a strong power of persuasion, and not on the opinion of the masses.
We must never bend too much.
Israel's capital will never again be a divided city, a city with a wall at its center, a city in which two flags fly. This city, will, in its entirety, absorb immigrants, welcome pilgrims and be the eternal capital of Israel forever.
In their war against Israel's existence, the Arab governments took advantage of the Cold War. They enlisted the military, economic, and political support of the communist world against Israel, and they turned a local, regional conflict into an international powder keg.
If history remembers me at all, in any way, I hope it will be as a man who loved the Land of Israel and watched over it in every way he could, all his life.
Wars have not solved anything in our region. They have only caused misery, suffering, bereavement, and hatred.
I am not afraid of taking risks. We have to take risks for peace.
I am miserable when everything is in order and quiet. Seriously, it's hard for me when I can go home quietly, go to sleep, and get up in the morning without fear and tension.