If your mom asks you to do the dishes, do not pull out your pirate attitude. But if someone tells you you're not good enough, says your dreams are too lofty, or claims there is no room in showbiz for a dancing violinist - well then, by all means, pull out your eye patch, my friend, and take to the high seas.
Lindsey Stirling -
For several years I had no idea that I had become anorexic. And I'd be at places with people I cared about, but what I was thinking about was how much extra grease was on the pizza or the calories that I knew was in that shake.
Lindsey Stirling
If I like dubstep and electronic, why don't I make the violin fit me rather than making myself fit the violin?
Lindsey Stirling -
It really is ironic that the saddest I'd ever been was when I had 'achieved' all the things I had wanted. I was so disgustingly thin, but I was so unhappy.
Lindsey Stirling -
I love going into the studio with just an idea of the direction. Like, I want this tempo... I love to start from scratch, and the tracks sort of take on a life of their own.
Lindsey Stirling -
YouTube is such a funny little world. You can create a fanbase.
Lindsey Stirling -
I just loved EDM because I felt like it inspired dance and movement.
Lindsey Stirling -
What gives my art the most meaning is when I can connect with others through it. When people say that my music has helped them, or it makes them feel good, or it inspires them, that is what gives my art lasting meaning to me.
Lindsey Stirling
I was struggling with anorexia, and one of the biggest problems with an eating disorder is you don't realize you have it. And you can't heal until you realize there's a problem.
Lindsey Stirling -
Europe in general is a great place for me, but specifically Germany has been very good to me. Germans love classical music... Electronic dance music is massive over there, so I'm kind of the marriage between the two.
Lindsey Stirling -
My audience is a huge part of my success, so I see us as a team. They send me tons of song requests every day. Some of the songs I've never heard before, but I listen to them and then pick the ones that I love.
Lindsey Stirling -
I got all these books about, like, what you need to know to enter the entertainment industry. And I remember I sent my music to record labels, and I took these little DVDs and sent them all over the place. And either no one got back to me or they just kept saying, 'You're too different.'
Lindsey Stirling -
As a kid, I was creative and unique, and I've had that my whole life.
Lindsey Stirling -
I can remember dancing around living room with my two sisters to the music of Paganini and Mozart. I can still remember my dad combing the newspaper, circling all the free concerts in town, and on the weekends, we would go as a family.
Lindsey Stirling
I want to make dubstep something beautiful.
Lindsey Stirling -
Through my unique style of playing, I want to prove that you don't have to conform to be accepted. The greatest value comes from loving yourself for who you are.
Lindsey Stirling -
I was very unfamiliar with YouTube; I thought it was the place for dog and cat videos.
Lindsey Stirling -
Going to college is an amazing opportunity to not only learn and be book-smart but also to kind of stretch your wings and expand yourself as a human and as an artist, whatever it is you're going for.
Lindsey Stirling -
The great thing about YouTube is there are no gatekeepers. No one is waiting to tell you if you're good enough. It's just your audience.
Lindsey Stirling -
I love to perform not only music, but to make performances extremely visual, and create almost a magical fantasy. It's really an uplifting style of art that combines visuals and music in very dreamlike ways.
Lindsey Stirling
Violinists' hands aren't the prettiest because of our nails and what our hands have to go through.
Lindsey Stirling -
I think YouTube used to have a negative connotation, like it was the place where the rejects went and made careers, but I'm proud to be YouTuber. I wanted to be in that first generation of YouTube stars who transitioned into the 'real world.' It was a really good way to build my business.
Lindsey Stirling -
I never would've tried YouTube if I hadn't had so many doors slammed in my face.
Lindsey Stirling -
I played the violin my whole life. I wanted to play from the time I was just a little kid, and I've always loved dance as well. I wanted to make people smile. I wanted to add an extra energy to my playing and make it visual and make it unique and fun.
Lindsey Stirling