Learn her skills, honor her sword, and keep her secrets.
Can I see you outside for a second?" Kat glared at Hale, then walked to the patio doors and out onto the veranda. As Hale closed the door behind him, Kat heard Angus say, "Ooh, Mom and Dad are going to fight now.
There are some secrets we keep because we can't bear to let them out and some because it's better to keep them in.
Kat didn't know what to say. It's good to see you too? Thanks for getting me kicked out? Is it possible you've gotten even hotter? I think I might have missed you?
Oh, and Cammie," At the sounds of his voice, I spun around, expecting to hear him crack a joke or call me Gallagher Girl. The last thing I expected was to feel his arms sliding arounds me, to sense the whole world turning upside down as Zach dipped me in the middle of the foyer and pressed his lips to mine. Then he smiled that smile I'd come to know. "I always finish what I start.
I never knew there were this many stars." "I can't see them," he told me. "I just see you." "That's one of your cheesier lines," I told him. "It's the altitude," he told me. "I don't have enough oxygen in my brain." "I see.
In a place where everyone knew my story, it was nice to know there was a chapter that ONLY I HAD TO READ. :)
Hamish's right arm was around Angus's waist as the two of them tangoed past.
But the downside of being con artist is that it very hard to con. Even if the lies you tell are to yourself.
And then Zach said a really bad word, but I doubt DeeDee noticed because it was in Farsi.
No one would have ever guessed that seven of the world's most talented teenagers were coming to the Henley that day for an entirely different sort of lesson.
The things that are most precious to us are sometimes the most secret.
"No," Preston snapped. But he didn't protest long because, if I'm going to be honest - which is kind of the point of these reports - I was already unzipping his pants.
It was the first time in years I didn’t wonder if my father was out there, looking at it too.
Did you hear that? I'm special.
Because even though the truth can set you free, that doesn't mean it won't be painful.
What kind of plan B?" Hale asked. He was almost holding his breath when a voice answered, "My kind." Macey tried to read the look on his face then, but it was gone in a flash. It had been a simple moment of peace and joy and pure happiness. That voice made Hale happy. It kept him calm. It was his backup and his conscience. Macey couldn't help herself, she envied him.
Wait. Far be it for me to say this" — Hamish looked around the compartment — "and if anyone tells Uncle Eddie I suggested being an upstanding citizen I'll kill 'em, but aren't there...laws and stuff? I mean, can't you...you know...sue him or something?" asked the boy who had once stolen an entire circus, all three rings.
I'm someone who doesn't have anything to lose.
Despite popular belief, hitting someone with a closed fist actually hurts the hitter almost as much as the hittee.
What about him?" "What's going on with you two?" "Nothing," Kat said, a little too quickly. "Yeah, and why is that exactly? I thought you two were getting all relationshipy. But now you're gone half of the time and he's ...angry." "No, he's not." "Yes, he is." Gabrielle gave a short laugh. "He doesn't like you going off, doing these jobs on your own.
If you can be still enough and common enough, then it's really easy to be invisible.
I love being a pavement artist; seriously, I do. It's like when guys who would normally hate being freakishly tall discover basketball, or when girls with abnormally long fingers sit down at a piano. Blending in, going unseen, being a shadow in the sun is what I'm good at. Seeing the shadows, it turns out, is not my natural gift.
Rules exist for a reason. Rules exist because when people don't follow them, people get hurt.