We're getting ready to take over the world. My group of girlfriends - we're renegades.
An instructor once told me that when there's resistence in your body, it's only because of the resistence in your mind. It's about getting inside the pose. Being the breath.
I'm writing a film. With our access to these powerful media, we're going to take over, because it's really disgusting what is put out there now to be consumed.
We use a Native American tradition of the talking stick. You sit and pass it around and whoever has the stick has to talk. Some people just hold it. Others really share.
I'm a shy person. I don't know if it's in my DNA to share with the world.
Let those who know know, and let me keep what little privacy I can.
I work with youth offenders in LA, I've heard them speak and see how music manipulates them.