I'm very lucky to have the support of my family.
While most of us are trying to be more frugal, the loss of a job, a divorce, or a medical emergency can quickly sink us deeply into debt.
Demand to know the school's accreditation. Regional accreditation is preferable to national, particularly if you want to transfer credits. Check with the certifying association or potential employer in your field to ensure successful completion of the program will actually qualify you for that job.
I initiated the State's investigation of Governor Blagojevich and have prosecuted public officials, including a sitting democratic state representative and democratic State's Attorney.
I've always wanted to be an advocate.
In every community in Illinois, same-sex couples have chosen to join together and, in many instances, to raise families of their own. These couples are our relatives and friends, our neighbors, co-workers and parents of our children's classmates. They deserve the same rights and responsibilities that civil marriage offers straight couples.
Higher education is meant to provide economic opportunity to Americans - not provide unscrupulous companies the opportunity to syphon off billions in federal taxpayer dollars unfairly.
The Attorney General is the state's chief consumer advocate, fighting to protect the financial security of all Illinoisans.
I enjoy a good fight, and always have, and really just said to myself, 'Look, at the end of my term, it'll be 16 years as attorney general, and I'm ready for new challenges. I'm ready to use my skills in a different way to continue to help people.'
Persons whose wagers depend upon how particular selected athletes perform in actual sporting events stand in no different stead than persons who wager on the outcome of any sporting event in which they are not participants.
I went to law school to help people.
Much of the blame for the Great Recession lies with abuses in the housing market - namely the creation of risky and unsustainable home loans that were packaged and sold as quality investments around the globe.
Being attorney general has truly allowed me to be a voice for justice for the people of Illinois and oftentimes the country - and I love it.
My investigation found Sallie Mae put student borrowers into expensive subprime loans that it knew were going to fail.
As I travel across Illinois and talk with people, and as others reach out to my office desperate for help, I am becoming convinced that, despite their rhetoric, many lenders have no interest in actually helping their customers.
I often say that paying off your debt is like dieting. There are no miracle cures; it takes discipline and hard work.
I've repeatedly seen unscrupulous lenders use every con in the book to charm and lie to homeowners. Lenders actually paid brokers a premium to put people in higher-priced loans with toxic features, such as adjustable rates and prepayment penalties.
While I have supported marriage equality since my days as a state senator over a decade ago, I have since conducted an extensive legal analysis that has only emboldened my support as attorney general.
Most of our children have access to Internet-accessible technology, yet most of us are actually not paying much attention to what they're doing online.
For many, the loan modification process has been a giant sham.
The creation of a consumer agency, structured similarly to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, levels the playing field. It gives consumers a powerful advocate at the federal level.
Navient/Sallie Mae treated student loan borrowers unfairly from start to finish.
Navient's actions have led to student borrowers needlessly carrying billions of dollars in debt, and the company must be held accountable.
It is never too late to correct our mistakes. And if we do not, we risk repeating them.