There aren't many roles that are interesting if you're a 40-year-old woman, unless you're Julia Roberts or Cate Blanchett.
If there were some recipe that would make all of our children really sane and civic-minded and hugely intelligent, I think we'd probably all do it. But I don't know that there is a recipe for creating that.
I do know that I think children should be vaccinated because that affects the health of all the other children.
He can't even be at a casual read and not be creating the whole thing in his mind. I remember feeling very awed about how much he still seems to be so in love with it, and so dedicated to making everything really real and really spontaneous.
When you're an actor, you can be hindered by your own narcissism.
There's a very small group of elite actresses who are my age, who people want to work with. It's not easy to get a good job with good actors.
Since I got a really bad review when I was, like, 28 in 'The New York Times,' I don't read reviews anymore.
Being an actor is really, really hard, no matter how you slice it.
I think when you're a bigger star you get many good scripts sent to you, and you have to choose which one you're going to gravitate toward, but I just try to gravitate toward the best-written one that's been thrown my way after a lot of girls have passed on it.
I usually try on at least 20 pairs of jeans before I find something that looks good on me. And even then, I have a trustworthy friend tell me if my butt looks big!
I'd like to be someone on 'Games of Thrones.'
I think you have to be in an insane stratosphere in terms of fame in order to get offered really well-written scripts. Amanda Peet is definitely not in that group.
If I had to give up cheese or chocolate, I'd give up chocolate in a heartbeat.
I don't know if those things work, where you do, like, this crash diet or crash starvation. It's just not something I've ever been into.
Someone with a figure like Jennifer Aniston has a trainer, a cook spinning out some version of the latest diet, and probably a stop at the tanning salon.
When I make a change, like when I found out I had high cholesterol, I just changed my lifestyle.
I think children should be vaccinated because that affects the health of all the other children.
I have a fairly realistic idea about what my gifts and limitations are.
Beauty is only skin deep. If you go after someone just because she's beautiful but don't have anything to talk about, it's going to get boring fast. You want to look beyond the surface and see if you can have fun or if you have anything in common with this person.
I love getting dressed up and having someone do my make-up and feeling pretty.
I'm interested in people who are very close to the people who commit crimes.
I try to be really hippie about things. I'm uptight in all the ways that are really important, but the things my husband and family can benefit from my uptightness, I'm completely lacking.
As an actor, my main focus is finding good writing and attacking a good role.
I would do a musical, but I can't sing.