Over-the-knee socks remind me of the 1920s, silent films, and the stars of the era who wore the rolled-down stockings. They sort of referenced that in 'Cabaret,' when Liza Minnelli was singing 'Mein Herr,' and I love the way she looks in that scene.
I'd rather see what young people are going through than see things explode.
Babies don't need fathers, but mothers do. Someone who is taking care of a baby needs to be taken care of.
I get offered: 'Here's a girl who's mad at another girl for having a wedding on the same day.' That'll be a big hit, but I don't want to do that.
I like being able to tape things and then having them home waiting for you, but just dealing with the Time Warner Cable people will drive you insane.
Teens are the target demographic for everything in pop culture.
When you have somebody writing or acting for you, you have to be free to have them hate you so you can get your ideas across without worrying.
For my money, the movies of the '70s were just amazing.
I'm obsessed with history, especially WWII and the Jews in Europe during the Holocaust.
I wasted most of my 20s being so frustrated I forgot to have fun. I was so concentrated on one thing - 'Must make movie.'
The building in the Bronx where I grew up was filled with mostly Holocaust survivors. My two best friends' parents both survived the camps. Everyone in my grandparents' building had tattoos. I'd go shopping with my grandparents, and the butcher, the baker, everybody in the whole neighborhood had tattoos.
For me, New York is home because that's where I'm from.
Blood probably tastes like salty water, right?
If you look at all the pictures of women in magazines, everybody's got a forehead that looks like a billboard. Completely blank.
With electronics, they just get smaller and smaller.
Body image - what we're supposed to look like - is made so unattainable that all girls are put in this position of feeling inferior. That's a horrible thing.
I always get hats but never have the nerve to wear them. Hats are a thing that are really stylish, but you have to have the confidence to pull it off.
Any time I wind up in the lane where you can't quickly turn off of it and it's turning into the freeway, I just start screaming until I'm off of it.
When I was 20, I had these furrowed lines between my brows because I was always angry. And I was 20. I don't think that was a mark of age; it was just my personality.
I went to art and design high school with a lot of people taking fashion. They would get up in the morning, and what they put on meant a lot to them.
A teenager has to decide what they're going to do with their life, and that's one of the most important decisions that you'll make.
A lot of my movies were completely destroyed by the censors, who can be pretty arbitrary. They're not completely fair with how they treat one person vs. another.
The way things have changed. The pictures in the womb they have now. They're just amazing. They're just like a snapshot of a person.
Everybody who worked in film misses holding pieces of film, holding it up to the light, and seeing exactly where something was image-wise.