The children of this country under this Bush budget who rely on childcare will be Bush-whacked.
This isn't about more power for the president. It's about more votes for Newt Gingrich, and that's the last thing America needs.
What precedent are we setting in doing this for one industry and not for others?
He would not bring this case, at what is probably the end of his career, unless it was a case with great merit.
It doesn't make the coal burn more efficiently, ... It doesn't make it burn more clean. It does generate a tax credit. It's a way of dodging taxes.
We're working together well as a Delegation in trying to ensure that Texas which has provided more support to evacuees than all the other states put together does get the support at the Federal Level that it needs.
It takes the one easy reform, offers that in an election year, to the people who are in the best position on Social Security. It does not tackle or grapple with any of the tough issues.
We should call this 'Bush's best beans' tax cut,' ... With this money, you can get two cans so everyone can have extra helpings.
Well, dissent is the tradition in America, and I've been on the side of dissent a good bit of my career, particularly in the last many years of the Republican Congress.
Save the stonewall to build the levees.
This burden is going to be a great one. One in four of these students have dependent children and more than 75 percent are first-generation students.
Some of the same self-certified smart people, who preached about mushroom clouds and weapons of mass destruction, are once again trying to stampede us into war. They seem to think only with their guns. To those who want to shoot first and ask questions later in Iraq, I join in a firm 'No!' We've been there and done that, and America is still paying for their past failure.
Sometimes when you get in a fight with a skunk, you can't tell who started it.