Everything worthwhile, everything of any value, has its price. Everything anyone has ever wanted has come neatly wrapped up in its penalties.
I've learned that getting what you want gives you a pretty high batting average, and leaves you plenty to struggle for.
In 1949 there was a new thing called Television, to which my agency and advisers opposed as a performance medium.
A face is like the outside of a house, and most faces, like most houses, give us an idea of what we can expect to find inside.
I was deaf and dumb and blind to all but me, myself and I.
I was a very wanting child.
A charming woman is a busy woman.
I believe you have to nurture your conscience.
Wearing the correct dress for any occasion is a matter of good manners.
Just because you want to be glamorous, don't be a sheep about your eye makeup.
I was as impatient about finding my dream man as I was about everything else I wanted.
I believe that prayer is our powerful contact with the greatest force in the universe.
I've always been scared to death of pain - afraid, even, to think of it.
I believe in the Golden Rule. I believe in practicing it.
Glamour is something you can't bear to be without once you're used to it.
Your hands, your eyes, your voice, your thoughts are your servants.
Like charity, I believe glamour should begin at home.
What you don't know intrigues you more than what you do know.
Certainly tears are given to us to use. Like all good gifts, they should be used properly.
If you have enthusiasm, you have a very dynamic, effective companion to travel with you on the road to Somewhere.