I've always been able to sense the relationship between two people based on how one person says the other's name!
Oddly enough, I've always really loved Nightcrawler. You know who else they didn't use enough was Phoenix. I just thought her story line was so tragic. I was just really drawn to that character as well.
My interest in astronomy grew from the play 'Space' that I did, where I had to learn where my character was from. I had to study the stars and figure where everything was and how I got here and all of those things.
I absolutely love working with David Boreanaz, and Charisma Carpenter I completely adore – she teaches me to dance.
Once I found out that I was playing 'Deathlok,' I unearthed my old comic book collection. I was going home for Christmas, and I have a collection of thousands of comics. I was surprised to see that 90% of them were Marvel. So, I wanted to go through my collection and start there.
I went right to the 'Guide to the Marvel Universe,' which has every Marvel character from A-Z, and fortunately, I had every issue. I found 'Deathlok,' read about him there.
Everything I've ever learned about acting - and I went to theater school - was about playing what the character wants and throwing yourself fully into going after what the character wants.
The interesting thing for me is, if I met Michael Peterson in person, I'd want him to let himself off the hook just a little bit.
Their crew for 'Arrow' is just one of the most wonderful crews that I've worked with. I know that actors say that all the time, and it sounds like trash coming out of my own mouth, but it's so true.
Marvel makes you feel like 'Iron Man' will show up at your front door to kill you if you say the wrong thing.
Anyone who's trying to be there for their family and trying to take care of their children is a hero to me.
I really enjoy working in genre series, because you really have to create the characters.
When we wrapped 'Angel,' I definitely had a moment where I thought, 'Wow, that was the best job I'm ever gonna have.'
Even when I'm playing a lawyer or a doctor, I want to play a person. A human being.