If neither love nor pain Will ever touch thy heart, Then only God's in thee, And then in God thou art
Angelus Silesius -
O Man, as long as you exist, know, have, and cherish, You have not been delivered, believe me, of your burden.
Angelus Silesius
The World doth not imprison thee. Thou art thyself the World, and there, Within thyself, thou hold'st thyself Thy self-imprisoned Prisoner.
Angelus Silesius -
God, being a great abyss, to men his depth reveals Who climb the highest peak of the eternal hills
Angelus Silesius -
How fleeting is this world yet it survives. It is ourselves that fade from it and our ephemeral lives.
Angelus Silesius -
Who would expect it so? From darkness light is brought, Life rises out of Death, And Something comes from Naught.
Angelus Silesius -
The Cross on Golgotha Thou lookest to in vain, Unless within thine heart It be set up again
Angelus Silesius -
Three days: Today, Tomorrow and Yesterday, I know, Yet if the past were cancelled within the here and now And then the future hidden, I could regain that Day Which I, before I was, had lived in God's own way.
Angelus Silesius
Where is my dwelling place? Where I can never stand. Where is my final goal, toward which I should ascend? It is beyond all place. What should my quest then be? I must, transcending God, into the desert flee
Angelus Silesius -
So high above all things that be. Is God uplifted, man can dare. No utterance: he prayeth best. When Silence is his sum of prayer
Angelus Silesius -
How short our span! If you once realized how brief, you would refrain from causing any beast or man the smallest grief, the slightest pain.
Angelus Silesius -
Thou laughest that a child cries o'er its broken doll;- The things o'er which thou mournest-are they not playthings all?
Angelus Silesius -
The All proceedeth from the One, And into One must All regress: If otherwise, the All remains Asunder-riven manyness.
Angelus Silesius -
The nearest way to God Leads through love's open door; The path of knowledge is Too slow for evermore
Angelus Silesius
If you know how to launch your ship into God's sea Oh, what a blessed fate, submerged in it to be
Angelus Silesius -
Love is alike to death, annihilates the senses, My heart it breaks as well, the spirit's drawn from hence
Angelus Silesius -
All Heaven is within thee, Man, And all of Hell within thy heart: What thou dost choose and will to have, That hast thou wheresoe'er thou art.
Angelus Silesius -
No thought for the hereafter have the wise, for on this very earth they live in paradise
Angelus Silesius -
Christ could be born a thousand times in Bethlehem – but all in vain until He is born in me.
Angelus Silesius -
Travel within thyself! The Stone Philosophers with wisest arts Have vainly sought, cannot be found By travelling in foreign parts.
Angelus Silesius
In waste God hides the gold, accept what He may send, The great within the small, though we don't comprehend.
Angelus Silesius -
The Wise Man is that which he hath. The precious Pearl of Paradise Wouldst thou not lose, then must thou be Thyself that Pearl of greatest price.
Angelus Silesius -
God far exceeds all words that we can here express In silence He is heard, in silence worshiped best
Angelus Silesius -
He has not lived in vain who learns to be unruffled by loss, by gain, by, joy, by pain.
Angelus Silesius