Bob Marley Quotes
Quotes to Explore
Mankind can be very magnanimous, given the chance.
Karin Fossum -
The world is indeed comic, but the joke is on mankind.
H. P. Lovecraft -
All mankind love a lover.
Ralph Waldo Emerson -
If we do not lay out ourselves in the service of mankind whom should we serve?
Abigail Adams -
Advocating the expansion of the powers of the state is treason to mankind, goddamnit!
P. J. O'Rourke -
I do not believe in a God who maliciously or arbitrarily interferes in the personal affairs of mankind. My religion consists of an humble admiration for the vast power which manifests itself in that small part of the universe which our poor, weak minds can grasp!
Albert Einstein
A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels.
Albert Einstein -
Only freedom from prejudice and tireless zeal avail for the most holy of the endeavours of mankind, the practice of the true art of healing.
Samuel Hahnemann -
It's difficult to understand why people don't realize that pets are gifts to mankind.
Linda Blair -
Power is what spoils people. Yes, it seems to me that the seeking after power is the great danger and the great corruptor of mankind.
Baldur von Schirach -
In the long run, we must focus on what is the better good for mankind.
Dennis Hastert -
I think there is a blossom about me of something more distinguished than the generality of mankind.
James Boswell
The mass of mankind are evidently slavish in their tastes, preferring a life suitable to beasts.
Aristotle -
All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth.
Aristotle -
Both Self-restraint and Unrestraint are a matter of extremes as compared with the character of the mass of mankind; the restrained man shows more and the unrestrained man less steadfastness than most men are capable of.
Aristotle -
Again, the male is by nature superior, and the female inferior; and the one rules, and the other is ruled; this principle, of necessity, extends to all mankind.
Aristotle -
The majority of mankind would seem to be beguiled into error by pleasure, which, not being really a good, yet seems to be so. So that they indiscriminately choose as good whatsoever gives them pleasure, while they avoid all pain alike as evil.
Aristotle -
Mankind will never see an end of trouble until lovers of wisdom come to hold political power, or the holders of power become lovers of wisdom.
Mankind has a free will; but it is free to milk cows and to build houses, nothing more.
Martin Luther -
Christians today like to play it safe. We want to put ourselves in situations where we are safe 'even if there is no God.' But if we truly desire to please God, we cannot live that way.
Francis Chan -
I would rather not watch myself in movies. I enjoy the experience, but I won't really see the film until they're on cable deep on into my life so I can pretend it's someone else at another time.
Carrie Fisher -
Herb is the unification of mankind.
Bob Marley