I don't like to diet, so I work out with a trainer a few times a week. We do kickboxing and strengthening - it's hard! I also do yoga and love to walk everywhere. I live in Brooklyn, so walking is the best way to discover the city and the neighbourhoods.
Brigitte Bardot is an icon, and her look is timeless. She is seen as one of the most beautiful women of all time. I feel very honored to be compared to her.
Daria Werbowy is my beauty icon.
My best beauty secret ever is to drink a lot of water!
I love Weleda Skin Food and Avene's Moisture Mask, especially if I've been travelling. Weleda also makes great deodorants and body oils - my mum introduced me to them long ago.
I like going after work back to Brooklyn because it is so much more relaxed and chill.
With modelling, a lot happens behind the scenes; all the fittings and hair and makeup. Then the runway takes two minutes - you just walk out and come back in!
It is always comforting to be around people you like and know!
Kate Moss, for example - she's never given a lot of interviews. She stays so mysterious. Nobody knows who she is, really.
There was a model in my high school. She was like, 'You're so pretty. You should come see my agency'.
I'm very lucky. I'm not too exposed to social media and is going quite well for me. I like to have my privacy.
I like to head upstate to the Catskills, to Woodstock.
For a natural look, I just use a little concealer and mascara.
I like cycling and swimming and walking everywhere. I'm not going to the gym. I like being outside rather than inside a room.
I like a man who smells manly. I love the smell of nature.
I try to not wash my hair a lot because it takes the moisture out of the hair. If I don't work, I wash it every two or three days. I don't brush my hair after I wash it, and I let dry naturally.
My first interviews, I didn't know what to say. I was really, really shy. It's overwhelming sometimes.
I like to walk around. And I have a really big garden in Brooklyn. Growing tomatoes in my backyard feels very rewarding.
When I go out, I just put on a little mascara - Chanel is my favourite - and fragrance. I actually apply fragrance right out of the shower - I spray and walk through it so it's not too overpowering.
I've learnt the best way to put on the fragrance is by spraying it and walking into it so it's all over you.