Colors pursue me like a constant worry. They even worry me in my sleep.
Claude Monet -
Everything changes, even stone.
Claude Monet
It would be a very bad idea... to exhibit even a small number of this new series, as the whole effect can only be achieved from an exhibition of the entire group.
Claude Monet -
I waited for the idea to consolidate, for the grouping and composition of themes to settle themselves in my brain.
Claude Monet -
By the single example of this painter devoted to his art with such independence, my destiny as a painter opened out to me.
Claude Monet -
These landscapes of water and reflection have become an obsession.
Claude Monet -
Nature won't be summoned to order and won't be kept waiting. It must be caught, well caught.
Claude Monet -
Work is nearly always a torture. If I could find something else I would be much happier, because I could use this other interest as a form of relaxation. Now I cannot relax.
Claude Monet
I don’t think I’m made for any earthly kind of pleasure.
Claude Monet -
I do have a dream, a tableau of the bathing place of La Grenouillère, for which I've done some bad pochades (sketches), but it is a dream. Renoir, who have just spent a couple of months here, also wants to paint this subject.
Claude Monet -
The more I live, the more I regret how little i know.
Claude Monet -
I sometimes feel ashamed that I am devoting myself to artistic pursuits while so many of our people are suffering and dying for us. It's true that fretting never did any good.
Claude Monet -
I say that whoever claims to have finished a canvas is terribly arrogant.
Claude Monet -
Think of me getting up before 6, I'm at work by 7 and I continue until 6.30 in the evening, standing up all the time, nine canvases. It's murderous.
Claude Monet
Everyone discusses my art and pretends to understand, as if it were necessary to understand, when it is simply necessary to love.
Claude Monet -
Impressionism is only direct sensation. All great painters were less or more impressionists. It is mainly a question of instinct, and much simpler than [John Singer] Sargent thinks.
Claude Monet -
I am pleased with the exhibition... everything on display was sold for a good price to decent people. It has been a long time since I believed that you could educate public taste.
Claude Monet -
I do what I can to convey what I experience before nature and most often, in order to succeed in conveying what I feel, I totally forget the most elementary rules of painting, if they exist that is.
Claude Monet -
I'm not performing miracles, I'm using up and wasting a lot of paint.
Claude Monet -
The effect of sincerity is to give one's work the character of a protest. The painter, being concerned only with conveying his impression, simply seeks to be himself and no one else.
Claude Monet
I didn't become one.. .As long as I can remember I've always been one.
Claude Monet -
Color is my day-long obsession, joy and torment. To such an extent indeed that one day, finding myself at the deathbed of a woman who had been and still was very dear to me, I caught myself in the act of focusing on her temples and automatically analyzing the succession of appropriately graded colors which death was imposing on her motionless face.
Claude Monet -
I felt the need, in order to widen my field of observation and to refresh my vision in front of new sights, to take myself away for a while from the area where I was living, and to make some trips lasting several weeks in Normandy, Brittany and elsewhere..
Claude Monet -
When I work I forget all the rest.
Claude Monet