The pen is mightier than the sword.
What is past is past, there is a future left to all men, who have the virtue to repent and the energy to atone.
Chance happens to all, but to turn chance to account is the gift of few.
Two lives that once part are as ships that divide.
Whatever the number of a man's friends, there will be times in his life when he has one too few; but if he has only one enemy, he is lucky indeed if he has not one too many.
Truth makes on the ocean of nature no one track of light; every eye, looking on, finds its own.
In science, read, by preference, the newest works; in literature, the oldest. The classic literature is always modern.
The easiest person to deceive is one's self.
Remorse is the echo of a lost virtue.
There is nothing certain in a man's life but that he must lose it.
Beneath the rule of men entirely great, the pen is mightier than the sword.
There is no such thing as luck. It's a fancy name for being always at our duty, and so sure to be ready when good time comes.
If thou be industrious to procure wealth, be generous in the disposal of it. Man never is so happy as when he giveth happiness unto another.
A good heart is better than all the heads in the world.
The prudent person may direct a state, but it is the enthusiast who regenerates or ruins it.
It is not by the gray of the hair that one knows the age of the heart.
O be very sure That no man will learn anything at all, Unless he first will learn humility.
A fool flatters himself, a wise man flatters the fool.
Master books, but do not let them master you. Read to live, not live to read.
Refuse to be ill. Never tell people you are ill; never own it to yourself. Illness is one of those things which a man should resist on principle at the onset.
Enthusiasm is the genius of sincerity and truth accomplishes no victories without it.
Talent does what it can; genius does what it must.
A fresh mind keeps the body fresh. Take in the ideas of the day, drain off those of yesterday. As to the morrow, time enough to consider it when it becomes today.
A reform is a correction of abuses; a revolution is a transfer of power.