Do not judge from mere appearances.
Edwin Hubbell Chapin -
Character has more effect than anything else. Let a number of loud-talking men take up a particular question, and one man of character, of known integrity and beauty of soul, will outweigh them all in his influence.
Edwin Hubbell Chapin
Death is the condition of higher and more fruitful life.
Edwin Hubbell Chapin -
Christ saw much in this world to weep over, and much to pray over: but he saw nothing in it to look upon with contempt.
Edwin Hubbell Chapin -
In the history of man it has been very generally the case that when evils have grown insufferable they have touched the point of cure.
Edwin Hubbell Chapin -
Consider and act with reference to the true ends of existence. This world is but the vestibule of an immortal life. Every action of our lives touches on some chord that will vibrate in eternity.
Edwin Hubbell Chapin -
Goodness consists not in the outward things we do, but in the inward thing we are. To be is the great thing.
Edwin Hubbell Chapin -
Christ illustrates the purport of life as He descends from His transfiguration to toil, and goes forward to exchange that robe of heavenly brightness for the crown of thorns.
Edwin Hubbell Chapin
Christianity has made martyrdom sublime, and sorrow triumphant.
Edwin Hubbell Chapin -
Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seamed with scars; martyrs have put on their coronation robes glittering with fire; and through their tears have the sorrowful first seen the gate of heaven.
Edwin Hubbell Chapin -
There is no happiness in life, there is no misery like that growing out of the dispositions which consecrate or desecrate a home.
Edwin Hubbell Chapin -
Break up the institution of the family, deny the inviolability of its relations, and in a little while there would not be any humanity.
Edwin Hubbell Chapin -
A great many men - some comparatively small men now - if put in the right position, would be Luthers and Columbuses.
Edwin Hubbell Chapin -
The more we sympathize with excellence, the more we go out of self, the more we love, the broader and deeper is our personality.
Edwin Hubbell Chapin
Objects close to the eye shut out much larger objects on the horizon; and splendors born only of the earth eclipse the stars. So a man sometimes covers up the entire disk of eternity with a dollar, and quenches transcendent glories with a little shining dust.
Edwin Hubbell Chapin -
I know a good many people, I think, who are bigots, and who know they are bigots, and are sorry for it, but they dare not be anything else.
Edwin Hubbell Chapin -
The creed of a true saint is to make the best of life, and to make the most of it.
Edwin Hubbell Chapin -
There is no tariff so injurious as that with which sectarian bigotry guards its commodities. It dwarfs the soul by shutting out truths from other continents of thought, and checks the circulation of its own.
Edwin Hubbell Chapin -
Under the shadow of earthly disappointment, all unconscious to ourselves, our Divine Redeemer is walking by our side.
Edwin Hubbell Chapin -
To me there is something thrilling and exalting in the thought that we are drifting forward into a splendid mystery-into something that no mortal eye hath yet seen, and no intelligence has yet declared.
Edwin Hubbell Chapin
The universe is a vast system of exchange. Every artery of it is in motion, throbbing with reciprocity, from the planet to the rotting leaf.
Edwin Hubbell Chapin -
An aged Christian with the snow of time on his head may remind us that those points of earth are whitest that are nearest heaven.
Edwin Hubbell Chapin -
God is the explanation of all things.
Edwin Hubbell Chapin -
Events are only the shells of ideas; and often it is the fluent thought of ages that is crystallized in a moment by the stroke of a pen or the point of a bayonet.
Edwin Hubbell Chapin