Millennials don't believe that government is the most effective in solving problems, and that lack of faith in big government is an opportunity for Republicans to win over millennials.
Overwhelming, student loan payments are holding millions back from buying homes, starting families, and saving for retirement.
Whether you're a high school student, attend traditional college, or take night classes while working full-time, it is imperative that you are given the tools necessary to become competitive in the workforce.
One of my ideas is that we post every vote on Facebook and on social media so that voters have an opportunity to hold their elected official accountable.
Increased access to broadband expands our ability to do commerce and will help bring our farmers' operations into the 21st century.
When I travel throughout the district speaking with families and educators, I frequently hear of concerns with our K-12 education system.
We need candidates who are able to reach out to young voters, women voters.
Women have different challenges. You have to be willing to put in the hours and work harder.
We ask our brave men and women in uniform to risk everything to protect us.
I was in the same class as Mark Zuckerberg at Harvard. So we really experienced Facebook in a unique way. It launched our sophomore year, and we were also the first class where it became a recruiting tool.
President Obama's greatest failure is his failure regarding foreign policy and national security.
The Millennial Generation is being crushed by soaring college costs and student loan debt, and as lawmakers, we must find solutions to address affordability and flexibility in higher education.
I think being a young woman is a strength.
The North Country of New York is a region steeped in rich military tradition. Our corner of this country stands out for the remarkable tradition of brave men and women putting themselves in harm's way for our nation.
One of the first bills I introduced in Congress was the Be Open Act, legislation to help ease an unnecessary, duplicative and punitive burden placed on employees and employers under the Affordable Care Act.
Our district is home to the Adirondacks, and we know firsthand that clean energy development and environmental protection are critical to our economy.
I've been a skier since I was 2 or 3, skiing with my dad in northern New York and Vermont.
I use Facebook on a daily basis to share information about my work in Congress and across our great district. I put information about constituent meetings, video of various Congressional hearings, and share local news stories from around our region.
In reality, victims of human trafficking are often left voiceless and completely unseen by society.
It is imperative that Congress provides adequately funded and stable budgets which allow us to support Afghan personnel and ensure that Afghanistan does not become a breeding ground for terrorists again.
President Obama has piled on more taxes, more regulations, more debt for future generations and higher health care costs - hurting our Main Street economy.
Serving our district and military families is a tremendous honor, and as our work continues in Congress, I will continue fighting for a strong national defense.
If you see a tick on your body, be sure to remove it immediately. Use tweezers to pull the tick's body away from your skin, being careful not to crush the tick's body.
Things won't change unless we have new types of candidates.