I have serious challenges with Donald Trump and his messaging that is going to make it more difficult for us to bring in minorities, Hispanics, into the party and into our voting base in November. I would be concerned about him carrying the banner for the Republican Party.
There's been intelligence that terrorists would look to programs such as the visa waiver program to exploit.
While we don't have the authority on the state level to change federal policy, my fellow governors and I do have a duty to protect our states' citizens, and we have a personal responsibility to act when we have the power to do so.
Proper training and federal supervision in state-federal partnerships are essential to both assuring constitutional rights and enforcing our immigration laws. Our Founding Fathers' concept of federalism does not prohibit such cooperation, and we have learned from experience that joint efforts work best.
My life has never been a part of a big plan. It's more of an unfolding adventure.
I think it's certainly important that we don't have symbols in our society that are offensive to a segment and that arouse racial division.
Well, your premise is correct, that we have to first guard against those who have an affiliation with terrorists and a connection, and so we have watch lists and systems that can make that connection.
The true credit for our safety and security goes to our men and women who are serving in places like Iraq and Afghanistan in the global war on terrorism.
We get divided generationally and in other ways - libertarians versus more traditional social conservatives, for example - and we've got to provide some flexibility there. But we don't need to have quite so many litmus tests. We need to have our big picture focused on economic issues.
Obviously everybody can't go to the convention, but if you're staying away from the convention because you disagree with a style or some substance of Donald Trump, that's a mistake because we've got our country at stake.
Trump is a juggernaut that is difficult to unravel at this point, but I think Marco Rubio is the right one to do it. I think he can win Arkansas, and he can win in November.
If we're talking about big-tent thinking in the Republican Party, I think we're all going to unite under a consistent economic theory. That's where our unity is, and that's what unites us.
You're never too old to start learning, and you're never too young to aim high and achieve great things.
Here in Arkansas, we are preparing a generation of learners to meet the needs of businesses by equipping students with workforce training opportunities statewide.
The nominee of our party, which at this - is presumed to be Donald Trump - I think that's the right team to support. That's what I've always said I would.
This is a true story. The day after Reagan won, I was walking into the courthouse when someone said that they'd bet Reagan would appoint me U.S. attorney.
He has a style that is not my style. And that is fine. That's Donald Trump. And guess what? That's exactly who the base of the Republican Party supported and said that's who we want to carry the banner.
Hillary Clinton's radical attempts at so-called reform of the nation's health care system would have been more destructive than even Obamacare has been.
Being from the heartland of America, I do not think one should have to go to Washington to seek justice.
I don't think anybody accepts the idea that somehow I should be punished because I actually served our country during a very difficult time post-9/11. That required me to actually be out of Arkansas for a few years.
When I was involved in the initial creation of the Department of Homeland Security, we were given a clear twofold mission. The first part of the mission was to secure our borders. The second was to maintain the free and efficient flow of commerce and people.
In an ever-changing global marketplace, the one factor any state can count on is the skills of its upcoming and existing workforce.
Obviously, we think it's important to make sure that firearms do not get in the hands of people who are criminals, convicted felons or adjudicated as mentally ill.
Well firstly, that points certainly at the need for international standards on biometrics that would move in the same direction so that we can have the same technical requirements.