I devalued the peso solely looking after the poor.
How very economical! (¡Pero que economía más grande!)
The freedoms which had been so hard won from colonial domination were being crushed by Soviet-inspired and funded military and political forces. Their clear intention was to deprive the people of their democratic freedoms. As history shows, this is what had happened in the Soviet Union and in Cuba, and continues to be the case in other parts of the world.
Not a single leaf moves in this country if I'm not the one moving it. I want that to be clear!
The armed forces have acted today solely from the patriotic inspiration of saving the country from the tremendous chaos into which it was being plunged by the Marxist government of Salvador Allende.… The Junta will maintain judicial power and consultantship of the Comptroller. The Chambers will remain in recess until further orders. That is all.
My library is filled with UN condemnations.
I'm not someone who usually sends out threats. I warn only once. The day they touch one of my men, the rule of law is over.
Today, near the end of my days, I want to say that I harbor no rancor against anybody, that I love my fatherland above all and that I take political responsibility for everything that was done which had no other goal than making Chile greater and avoiding its disintegration.… I assume full political responsibility for what happened.
We practically wiped this nation clean of Marxists.
I'm looking at them from above, because God put me there.
This is not a dictadura dictatorship/hard rule but a dictablanda soft rule.
To whom are we going to ask to be forgiven? To the one who tried to kill us? To the one who tried to destroy our country? To whom? They are the ones who must ask to be forgiven for everything they did before September 11.
I was only an aspiring dictator. I was never a real dictator.
If Senator Kennedy is elected President of the United States, the government of Chile will take the necessary measures.
Rome cut off the heads of Christians and they continued to reappear one way or another. Something similar happens with Marxists.
I have a sour face. Maybe that's why they say I'm a dictator.
The country is safe, because we have a good intelligence service.
The only solution to the issue of human rights is oblivion.
He could have a thousand faults, but I do not blame anyone in particular and I despise brutality with which the Nazis acted against Israelites; but the fault is not only of Hitler, but a group of high-ranked dignitaries.
Tell my friends to get me out of here.
The nation is trying to make Chile a country of proprietors, not of proletarians.
Don't forget that in the history of the world, there was a plebiscite, in which Christ and Barabbas were being judged, and the people chose Barabbas.
Is it true what Contreras testified before the courts, that the president of the junta and later the president of the Republic was the direct head of DINA? I don't remember, but it is not true. It is not true and if it was, I don't remember. Contreras liked to cajole, wrap around his boss. Contreras gave the orders. It was he who managed the institution.
I am going to die. The person who succeeds me also would die. But elections, you won't have.