Zephyr, with Aurora playing,As he met her once a-Maying.
Aurora -
Aurora had but newly chased the night,And purpled o'er the sky with blushing light.
Principal Skinner's kitchen catches on fire in the middle of dinner with Superintendant Chalmers
Aurora -
The wolves have prey'd: and look, the gentle day,Before the wheels of Phœbus, round about,Dapples the drowsy east with spots of grey.
Aurora -
You cannot rob me of free nature's grace,You cannot shut the windows of the skyThrough which Aurora shows her brightening face.
Aurora -
For night's swift dragons cut the clouds full fast,And yonder shines Aurora's harbinger;At whose approach ghosts, wandering here and there,Troop home to churchyards.
Aurora -
With gentle hand, as seeming oft to pause,The purple curtains of the morn she draws.
Aurora -
But when Aurora, daughter of the dawn,With rosy lustre purpled o'er the lawn.
Night's son was drivingHis golden-haired horses up;Over the eastern firthsHigh flashed their manes.
Aurora -
At last, the golden orientall gateOf greatest heaven gan to open fayre,And Phœbus, fresh as brydegrome to his mate,Came dauncing forth, shaking his dewie hayre;And hurls his glistring beams through gloomy ayre.