The '90s and early 2000s were the 'I' decade. iPhone, the iPod - everything was about me. Look where that got us? In a terrible recession.
I served in the Israeli Navy, and it's not an easy thing.
WeWork is my fifth venture. I failed in my first, second and third, had mediocre success in the fourth.
I would not have guessed how much I love being a father.
During Shabbat, I am completely cut off, there is no one to talk to, and I do not compromise about it.
Others think their American ways will work in other countries. That's not always accurate and can be disrespectful to the local culture.
I think all of us naturally want to be a part of a community... at home and at work.
Do I think people who need a good opportunity become harder workers sometimes? Yes.
As a child who lived in a lot of places, one of the hardest things for me was to join a new community. It was hardest at the kibbutz, but that was also one of the most impressive communities.
Happiness comes from within.
If your business is the right business, then money will never be an issue.
If you really want to change the world, change kids when they're two.
WeWork is a platform that is powered by technology. Our members are running their entire experience with WeWork through the app.
If you are open-minded and you let the universe come in, you never know where things might go.
When I came to the U.S., I tried to take shortcuts to make money - but everything crashed.
I believe that doing the right thing will not only create the best culture and the best product, but you'll also make the most money - even if you're making decisions that lose you money in the short term.
When I started at Baruch in January 2002, I was almost 23 years old. I'd previously spent five years as an officer the Israeli Navy. I did what I thought you were supposed to do at that age - a little studying and a lot of trying to have fun.
One of the difficult things in a high-growth company is that, even with the best intentions, the company moves so fast, and growth happens so regularly. When you move at that rate, you have to be willing to change, and you have to be willing to take advice.
Mentorship plays such an important role in business - we know it's a must - and I believe schools should embrace it in a much fuller way.
We always wanted to create a business that makes a difference in the world.
When we launched WeWork back in 2010, we saw our opportunity to build community by bringing people together.
I happen to love buildings, and my passion is bringing people together.
I never had a traditional mentor. I know people who have been successful with a mentor, but I've never understood why I should limit myself to the knowledge and expertise of one person.
I remember how much fun it was to be a child in the kibbutz.