Bono (Paul David Hewson) Quotes
There's nothing hippie about my picture of Christ. The Gospels paint a picture of a very demanding, sometimes divisive love, but love it is.
Quotes to Explore
For we cannot adequately understand 'man' as an isolated biological creature, as a bundle of reflexes or a set of instincts, as an 'intelligible field' or a system in and of itself. Whatever else he may be, man is a social and an historical actor who must be understood, if at all, in close and intricate interplay with social and historical structures
C. Wright Mills
I'll not punish you for having an imagination.
Betty Smith
Before you tell me what you teach and preach, show me how you live and give.
Cory Booker
My overarching point is that the Gospels, and all the books of the Bible, are distinct and should not be read as if they are all saying the same thing. They are decidedly not saying the same thing—even when talking about the same subject (say, Jesus’ death). Mark is different from Luke, and Matthew is different from John, as you can see by doing your own horizontal reading of their respective stories of the crucifixion. The historical approach to the Gospels allows each author’s voice to be heard and refuses to conflate them into some kind of mega-Gospel that flattens the emphases of each one.
Bart Ehrman
The muses visit when I'm lonely.
Taylor Hicks
The gift of The Giver is something good and true and beautiful about what is good and true and beautiful in humanity.
Kathryn Jean Lopez