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Life's just a cocktail party - on the street.
Anyone taking heroin is thinking about taking heroin more than they're thinking about anything else. That's the general rule about most drugs.
My secrets must be poetic to be believable.
I prefer to live in a rented house. No ties. Nothing around my neck. Just the minimum kind of bare comforts of home.
When you start a new project, no matter if it's a movie like Enigma or an album like Goddess, you are always learning something. While I search, I find something new.
Quite often when I record a song, writing it and making a demo is the big thing and, after that, I think, how do I actually translate this into real life? A lot of the time I think I can't be bothered.
Time is on my side, yes it is.
It's nice to collect stamps, but if it becomes obsessive, and you start stealing for your stamps, it becomes too much.
I liked John a lot. He was the one I really got on with the most. We weren't buddy-buddies but we were always friendly. But after the Beatles and the Stones stopped playing clubs, we didn't see each other that much until he separated from Yoko, around 1974. We got really friendly again. And when he went back with Yoko, he went into hibernation ... when I went to visit someone in the Dakota, I'd leave him a note saying: 'I live next door: I know you don't want to see anyone, but if you do, please call.' He never did.
I'd rather be dead than singing "Satisfaction" when I'm forty-five.
It's a real buzz, even in front of 20 people, to make a complete fool of yourself. But people seemed to like it. And the thing is, if people started throwing tomatoes at me, I wouldn't have gone on with it.
I think that people taking drugs occasionally are great. I think there's nothing wrong with it. But if you do it the whole time, you don't produce as good things as you could.
In England you're skewered on the altar of pop culture if you become pretentious.
I don't know if rock is dying. I wouldn't want to say that, but the world does change. Nothing stays the same.
I'd done a very long project on Bridges To Babylon. I was on the road for ages with that. When I came off the road, I thought, the next thing I want to do on my own.
The new fashion is to talk about the most private parts of your life; other fashion is to repent of your excesses and to criticize the drugs that made you happy in the other times.
He stole my music but he gave me my name.
You have to sing every day so you can build up to being, you know, Amazingly Brilliant.
I was having a bit of trouble. I wasn't in a good relationship. Or I was in too many bad relationships. I had so many girlfriends at that point. None of them seemed to care they weren't pleasing me very much. I was obviously in with the wrong group.
As long as my face is on page one, I don't care what they say about me on page seventeen.
Don't you think it's sometimes wise not to grow up.
Dandelions don't tell no lies.
When we heard we were topping the bill over James Brown we couldn't believe it. We tried for two days to get it changed round - I mean you can't follow an act like that.
Starting off in music, the purpose of it was not to become like well known on the street and be famous. You know, I didn't even think about that part of being famous. Famous for making records, yes, but famous face in a woman's magazine, I never thought of that. I didn't want that.