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I can understand how some people might resent me for having the audacity to continue playing music, but it'd take a lot more than that to stop me from doing it. I started Foo Fighters because I didn't want to retreat.
You look up to your heroes and you shouldn't be intimidated by them; you should be inspired by them.
Someone curating songs for you through your computer or being able to hold 10,000 songs on your watch - that convenience is pretty incredible, but so is the emotional impact of holding a Beatles record in your hand and listening to Let It Be.
I have crazy claustrophobic dreams, weird elevator dreams where the elevator closes in and all of a sudden I am lying down - oh my God, it's a casket. Just freaky stuff like that.
When you're recording to tape, you usually just settle for what you have. There's not a lot of options to manipulate the performance.
I've always been a fan of melody and emotional melancholy, whether it was Rites of Spring or Tears for Fears or Neil Young. If I hear a song that has a sweet melody, I'm a sucker for it, whether it's Linkin Park or Little Richard.
Always have the highest bar for yourself.
No one has any faith in the tape anymore - everyone just relies on computers and considers the hardrive to be the safest option, and I don't. I think an analog tape is something you can hold.
Music will never go away, and I will never stop making music; it's just what capacity or what arena you decide to do it.
'Masturbation is one of the safest ways to explore your own sexuality.'
The late '60s and the '70s, a lot of this really beautiful equipment was being made and installed into studios around the world and the Neve boards were considered like the Cadillacs of recording consoles. They're these really big, behemoth-looking recording desks; they kind of look like they're from the Enterprise in Star Trek or something like that. They're like a grayish color, sort of like an old Army tank with lots of knobs, and to any studio geek or gear enthusiast it's like the coolest toy in the world.
I dropped out of high school and I couldn't go to college 'cause I wasn't smart enough, so I'd resigned myself to loading trucks and playing punk rock on the weekends.
Nickelback walks into a bar...there's no punchline because ruining music isn't funny.
I'd like to imagine I won't end up in hell, but I think I've done too much acid and listened to too much death metal to sit on a cloud next to God with angels floating above my head.
I love Black Sabbath. They made an amazing contribution to music today. Almost every band that made it big in the Nineties owed a debt to them.
Singing into a microphone and learning to play an instrument and learning to do your craft, that's the most important thing for people to do.
We're in this band, the Foo Fighters, making music for the love of music. We all came from bands that had disbanded, and we were drawn to each other because we missed playing.
Perez Hilton: Are you drunk right now?Grohl: No, I gotta play.Perez: Britney Spears has been getting wasted all the time, hasn't stopped her.Grohl: Yeah, but she doesn't have to sing live.
It's terrifying to play your favorite band's song in front of your favorite band.
I'm kind of claustrophobic... It's not even like enclosed spaces. It's like I hate being stuck in one band, you know? Just being stuck is the biggest drag, for fear that, you know, just that you can't get out.
I'm so not macho. It's crazy. My man cave is so not a man cave.
A musician should only sound like what they do, and no two musicians sound the same. It's an individual-feel thing, you know?
What's the last thing a drummer says in a band? 'Hey guys, why don't we try one of my songs?
I'd love it if everyone knew one Foo Fighters song.