Every cool riff has already been written by Black Sabbath. You're either playing it faster or slower or backwards, but they wrote it first.
There`s always the trick with anything what`s a remake. Like how much do you want to make that is brand new and how much to you want to keep that is original?
Josh Brolin is an actor that I really, really like; he's fantastic. I worked with him once; he's a really great actor.
I was never really that aware of commercial things. The stuff that was really influential to me were bands like the Misfits or the Birthday Party, or things like that. If someone said, "Do you love Judas Priest?" - I never really even had a Judas Priest record. That's not what I grew up with. That wasn't really my scene, you know? That's why White Zombie never really fit. I still don't fit.
I have always found clowns really fascinating, especially on film. Even as a kid I was never scared of them.
It's lifestyle music. It's not like some secretary who likes some pop song, but can't name who the band is; whereas a heavy metal fan is into every aspect of it. We'll see if rap holds up to that. Run-DMC seemed to be the Led Zeppelin of rap.
Every time I start the next movie, it's as exciting as the first time.
NC-17 means that you get it in like 3 theaters. They won't run the spots on MTV, won't run the advertising. It's the kiss of death so there was really no other choice.
I'm definitely of the mindset of "I wouldn't want to be part of any group that would have me as a member."
I guess I get enough real life, in real life, so that's why I like things that are more extreme.
When I came off the Halloween movies, they were very stressful movies to make. That had been four very stressful years. I'm happy with how they turned out, but getting the end results took so much fighting with people and so much craziness, that at the end of it I was so burnt out.
I'm sick of remakes, how about something different. That's the thing - people always come to me and are like 'what do you want to remake, we know we can get that greenlight, what do you want to make?' I don't want to remake a g-d damn focking think.
I don't do anything for the money. I don't need to. I could have retired after White Zombie and been just fine. Money doesn't matter. But there is still a good living to be made, even in the niche. The funny thing is, as time goes on, the niche stuff gets bigger and bigger.
Great things come out of being hungry and cold. Once you're pampered, you get lazy.
The studio experience fluctuates depending on who you work with, it's not like it's all one experience. Every studio is different, every producer's personality is different. You never know what you're going to do.
It's never been about making money.
Who is this irresistible creature who has an insatiable love for the dead?
I really just do what I like. I don't understand what the general public likes sometimes.
Reviews are all bullshit, because they always change. When House of 1000 Corpses came out, all the reviews were awful. It was impossible to find a review better than "The worst movie ever made." And now I'll see more-modern magazines, and sometimes they'll re-review things, and I'll read this great review for it. It's the same thing with White Zombie! People talk about "Oh, White Zombie, these classic records. Why don't you do them now?" Everyone hated those records when they came out! The reviews were terrible.
I didn't grow up in a creative environment. It was very boring town, boring everything. You go to school and you basically hate all the other kids because you don't understand them or what it's all about. At the same time I'm happy for that because I became very withdrawn and when you become withdrawn you develop your own bizarre-o personality.
I've always been a fan of just extreme things. Whether it be in movies, books, TV or real life.
I never wanted there to be any moment in my movies when something would happen and the audience would cheer, like sometimes that happens in certain types of horror movies. I was never a fan of that, I wasn't looking for 'inventive' kills and I even hate that word because it's like, if you have these characters screaming or crying in pain I don't think anyone should be jumping out of their seat cheering. It should be horrible and you should feel sick watching it because that's what it is, sick.
I think if you're going to remake a film it should be something that was a good idea, but wasn't executed well. There isn't anything I would like to remake. I have too many of my own ideas I want to make.
There are so many projects that don't happen, just sometimes they don't get announced, so no one ever knows about them and you don't have to talk about them.