I'd like to think that throughout my career whatever my current record is has 110% of my best.
Aaron Watson -
Family is fun, way more fun than music.
Aaron Watson
I always tell people that my primary job is being a dad and husband. Music is just what pays the bills.
Aaron Watson -
I just never gave anything else much thought after music. I just hope that I'm doing what God intended me to do, and that's all.
Aaron Watson -
I still have a lot of passion for music, but I would quit it tomorrow if that's what my family needed me to do. I'm sure I'd miss it, but it's a job.
Aaron Watson -
I want to keep my fan base supplied with a steady chain of music.
Aaron Watson -
You should work at everything you do and try to perfect it as best you can.
Aaron Watson -
I would rather have 100,000 fans for a lifetime than a million for a couple years.
Aaron Watson