Any incarnation of 'Batman' I am delighted to do.
The Batmobile wasn't a stickshift, and it was a challenge to drive, believe me.
Anything that triggers good memories can't be all bad.
When I got the part, I tried to remember Batman as I knew him when I was a kid - with emotional recall.
I just go my own way. If my agent calls and presents me with something, and I find it refreshing or illuminating, yeah, I'll do it.
Isn't it fun to be nuts? Isn't it fun to be crazy?
I've always tried to fit what I do professionally into my family, rather than the other way around.
Playing Batman is an actor's challenge. First, it's different; then, you have to reach a multi-level audience. The kids take it straight, but for adults, we have to project it further.
If you hang around long enough, they think you're good. It's either my tenacity or stupidity - I'm not sure which.
Crummy pictures, live appearances, circuses, avant garde theater, dinner theater. I've done it all. I've been shot out of cannons. I know what the people want. I'm out there with the people.
You can't play Batman in a serious, square-jawed, straight-ahead way without giving the audience the sense that there's something behind that mask waiting to get out, that he's a little crazed; he's strange.
Burgess Meredith taught me a lot about wine.
I'm interested in film - any aspect - acting, directing, writing.
I don't want to be Batman. Let Val Kilmer do it. I just want to be Uncle Batman. I have this whole 'warm relationship' plot in my mind. In the final scenes, the new Batmobile breaks down, the new Batman's stranded on the side of the road. We grab our old Batmobile, pick him up and drive away.
My art, like my acting, is a profound expression of poetic license.
I've played dinner theaters. I'm a working stiff.
I think I've said I'm the luckiest actor in the world. I mean that.
Maybe we could find some way to send barges of trash to the sun and incinerate it all. Hey, it's an idea. It's an idea!
I've been able to reinvent myself and to keep an audience going at whatever age. This is terrific. I mean, how many actors get that chance?
It's part of my character not to take myself too seriously. That's one of the reasons I've been able to survive.
When I got to Hollywood, there wasn't even a Boulevard. I'm that old. It was just a little dirt trail. I'm kidding.
Anything with 'Family Guy' is great.
I've always shied away from 'Where are they now?' shows, because I've been lucky enough to keep working, and people know where I am.
'Batman' was a colorful and wild ride.