I love the flow of the game. There's a certain fluidity to basketball. I don't enjoy watching baseball or football in the same way.
I want to say a little something that's long overdue, the disrespect to women has got to be through. To all the mothers and the sisters and the wives and friends, I wanna offer my love and respect till the end.
Just as we were finishing 'Paul's Boutique' we got our own places, and I was going out to clubs a lot less. I got a bit more introverted and spent a lot more time on my own reading. I would just go down to the esoteric bookstore and wander around.
I think the main focus in America is - is basically greed.
What Western society teaches us is that if you get enough money, power, and beautiful people to have sex with, that's going to bring you happiness. That's what every commercial, every magazine, music, movie teaches us. That's a fallacy.
I feel that working with the camera and editing it is actually my strong suit.
It just seemed like Buddhism, especially Tibetan Buddhism - because that's mainly what I've been exposed to - was a real solid organization of teachings to point someone in the right direction. Some real well thought out stuff. But I don't know, like, every last detail about Buddhism.
When I hear Obama speak he just seems really sincere and he just seems like somebody who actually has his heart and his motivation in the right place. Forget about color or race or gender or whatever, he's got his heart in the right place.
Every action that we take has some motivation of either being selfish or altruistic. All that adds up.
We actually became just what it was that we'd set out to make fun of.
That's the strange thing about making a record. You can be in one mood for an hour, put it on a record, and you're remembered that way.
I didn't realize how much harm I was doing back then and I think a lot of rap artists probably don't realize it now. I said a lot of stuff fooling around back then, and I saw it do a lot of harm.
Fresh snow is amazing. The board is real different... it floats on the powder and goes really fast. If you're riding a long board, it's more like surfing than skiing.
I think it's scary that that our elected officials aren't operating under the principles of human rights, under the principles that this government and this country was founded on.
I meditate in the morning and before I go to sleep. These are usually the main times because, before I go to sleep, I can get focused on what happened during the day, pull that into perspective, and that'll make my sleep a little more peaceful.
I do think that all of the well wishes have contributed to the fact that my treatment and recovery are going well.
I think the really significant part of it for us, for the western world, is we have a lot to gain from the Tibetans - there are certain lessons that are within Tibetan culture. I mean understandings of compassion and of nonviolence that are things that we really lack in our society.
From being in Tibet and being around Tibetans, I feel like I've learned so much more about what brings a person happiness, about what actually brings myself happiness.
If you are striving to have more happiness in your life, it helps to guide your mind towards starting to recognize what are selfish motivations and what are constructive motivations.
People need to be more aware of how they're affecting people.
I was always tearing stuff apart to see how it worked.
The teachings of Tibetan Buddhism have been passed down for a long time now. They have that system pretty well figured out.
I kind of remember a friend of mine saying, like, you guys should make a rap record. You know, because we were already making punk records. We were a punk band. And I kind of thought, that's crazy.
I started feeling this little lump in my throat, like you would feel if you have swollen glands or something like that, like you'd feel if you have a cold, so I didn't really think it was anything.