Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Quotes
Quotes to Explore
Do all things with love.
Og Mandino -
All things come out of the one, and the one out of all things.
Heraclitus -
It is wise to agree that all things are one.
Heraclitus -
Realize that war is common and justice is strife, and that all things come into being and pass away through strife.
Heraclitus -
Ideas are the source of all things.
Plato -
Do nothing secretly; for Time sees and hears all things, and discloses all.
Not all things are to be discovered; many are better concealed.
Sophocles -
The variety of all things forms a pleasure.
Euripides -
Of all things upon earth that bleed and grow, a herb most bruised is woman.
Euripides -
Try all things, hold fast that which is good.
John Locke Nazareth -
Nothing is in reality either pleasant or unpleasant by nature but all things become so through habit.
Epictetus -
Joy wants the eternity of all things, wants deep, wants deep eternity.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Be truly whole, and all things will return to you.
Lao Tzu -
Stay at the center and let all things take their course.
Lao Tzu -
I tell ye true, liberty is the best of all things; never live beneath the noose of a servile halter.
William Wallace -
There is music in all things, if men had ears.
Lord Byron -
Time is that in which all things pass away.
Arthur Schopenhauer -
Necessity, like electricity, is in ourselves and all things, and no more without us than within us.
Philip James Bailey
Love should bring joy, it should grant a person peace, but here and not, it was bringing only pain.
Nicholas Sparks -
Working with the editor on the set means that it is possible to keep track, at every moment, of the exact temperature of the trajectory of the scene - and know precisely what is required to continue, or precede, the action already shot. Like building a giant jigsaw puzzle. This is a freeing procedure because one is divested of all the options that might otherwise hamper one's choices. Clarity is possible. And that means one can relax into each shot, knowing the clear boundaries of where it might end or begin. And with relaxation, comes play.
Tilda Swinton -
He is not great who is not greatly good.
William Shakespeare -
It is a dreadful truth that the state of having to depend solely on God is what we all dread most.... It is good of Him to force us; but dear me, how hard to feel that it is good at the time.
C. S. Lewis -
All things are only transitory.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe