The human mind will not be confined to any limits.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
To make an epoch in the world, two conditions are manifestly essential-a good head and a great inheritance.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Mehr Licht!
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
I am what I am, so take me as I am!.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
Neuere Poeten tun viel Wasser in die Tinte.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
Belief is not the beginning of knowledge - it is the end.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
The highest cannot be spoken; it can only be acted.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
Die Welt ist so leer, wenn man nur Berge, Flüsse und Städte darin denkt, aber hie und da jemand zu wissen, der mit uns übereinstimmt, mit dem wir auch stillschweigend fortleben, das macht uns dieses Erdenrund erst zu einem bewohnten Garten.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
It is delivery that makes the orators success.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
I am the Spirit that denies.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
Whoever gives himself up to solitude, Ah! he is soon alone.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
O'er all the hilltopsIs quiet now,In all the treetopsHearest thouHardly a breath;The birds are asleep in the trees:Wait; soon like theseThou too shalt rest.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
The sum which two married people owe to one another defies calculation. It is an infinite debt, which can only be discharged through all eternity.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
Meine Ruh' ist hin,Mein Herz ist schwer.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
One is never deceived; one deceives oneself.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
One must be something to be able to do something.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
There is no outward sign of true courtesy that does not rest on a deep moral foundation.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
Master and Doctor are my titles; for ten years now, without repose, I held my erudite recitals and led my pupils by the nose.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
All lyrical work must, as a whole, be perfectly intelligible, but in some particulars a little unintelligible.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
Der umgang mit frauen ist das element guter sitten.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
To know someone here or there with whom you can feel there is understanding in spite of distances or thoughts expressed That can make life a garden.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
Lord Byron is only great as a poet; as soon as he reflects he is a child.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
The effects of good music are not just because it's new; on the contrary music strikes us more the more familiar we are with it.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
In limitations he first shows himself the master,And the law can only bring us freedom.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe