In painting it is the forming of the image.
I think of myself as a Romantic Symbolist.
When I work I work very fast, but preparing the work can take any length.
I work in waves because I'm impatient. It has to be done. I take liberties.
I knew a poet who was totally ignorant about botany. And I said: you can't be a poet without knowing any botany or plants and things like that; it's impossible, that's the first thing you should know.
To paint involves a certain crisis, or at least a crucial moment of sensation or release.By crisis by no means limited to a morbid state, but could just as easily be an ecstatic impulse.
Each line is now the actual experience with its own innate history. It does not illustrate - it is the sensation of its own realization. a written art note by Twombly on a painting he created in 1957.
For myself the past is the source (for all art is vitally contemporary).
I'm drawn to the primitive, the ritual and fetish elements.