I wear crop tops and stuff, but I genuinely like that style, so it's just has to be genuine. Once you start getting to that world where you're using sexuality to try to propel something, you're losing the moment. You've lost; people are not focusing on that anymore.
To be honest, I'm more of a sneaker person. My legs hurt if I wear heels for too long.
A lot of people preach and talk, but I think the only way to preach is to actually do things.
You cannot teach a person how to write songs. It's about being your own person and following your instincts.
I probably wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for the gay community supporting me. I wouldn't be the artist I was today if it wasn't for that because that was the only community that let me try, let me perform without knowing who I was.
Oh man, the Vengaboys are my guilty pleasure.
I believe that anyone can be what they want to be; it just comes down to hard work.
I love Canadians. I think we make an impact around the world just when people meet us, and whenever I meet another Canadian, I see it as well.
I tend to obsess over my passions.
It's hard to dance to really fast music. All you can do is pump your fist to it, and after a while, you're going to have a seizure.
You're taught that you can keep going in the military. Your point of collapse is not what you thought it was. Your body is built to survive, and when you think you're going to collapse, you still have so much more left in you.