Guantanamo Bay is a facility that I think should be utilized by the United States for detainees, say, out of Syria.
From what we understand about participation by women and minorities, we need to do a better job of exposing people early in their careers to STEM fields.
I am glad that our country is starting to have a serious conversation about how to repair our broken immigration system - it is long overdue.
The bottom line is a record of ideas. The bottom line is a plan for how to get this country back on track. It's not about attendance - it's about goals and opportunity to move this nation forward.
Let's make sure we're doing what we can in our own backyard to gain our energy independence and to create American jobs with American energy.
He's a nice guy who will never change the Senate. He is the Senate. Eighteen years in politics, and he's got two cousins who are senators, too. Mark Udall's dad even ran for president.
I think Donald Trump has a significant number of issues where he is not a Republican.
I do not support legislation that would ban birth control.
We can't disrespect people for having a different opinion.
I think the climate is changing, but I don't believe humans are causing that change to the extent that's been in the news.
I'm not going to defend Sen. Udall's failed record.
I believe the climate is changing.
I urge Congress to quickly take up and pass trade promotion authority so we can conclude a TPP agreement. Our position in the world depends on it.
Any nominee is going to have to earn my support.
We have a responsibility to be responsible stewards of tax dollars.
If China is doing business with a company that ends up putting money back into proliferation activities, then we'll sanction that company and China.
A lot of nasty things were said about me in my own party about my unwillingness to demand the government shutdown.
This isn't a Republican issue. This isn't a Democrat issue. This is something that both parties and people around the country have agreed to. They don't want Guantanamo Bay detainees in the United States.
I don't think it is ever enough for a governing majority to simply be opposed to things. We have to be for things.
We just can't stay in a safe Republican seat and sit back and watch while this country goes down the wrong path.
The Republican Party has to be the party of optimism and giving our children a better starting point. We have to make sure we're broader, more inclusive, and reaching out to every community.
My dad, well, he sells tractors, just like my granddad, and I'm darn proud of that.
If you look at the Constitution, the two clauses of the Constitution make it very clear the president shall nominate, and the Senate shall provide advice and consent. It's been since 1888 that a Senate of a different party than the president in the White House confirmed a Supreme Court nominee.
While our nation's attention is rightly focused on the Middle East, the North Korean threat has grown exponentially, while there seems to be a falling asleep, so to speak, at the switch when it comes to North Korea.