The government must understand that it cannot substitute the health, nutrition, and overall development outcomes of Indian citizens with 'efficiency gains.'
Politics runs in every human being, and so does music.
India should be an exporter of technology.
I think poetry is a fabulous medium to encapsulate thoughts far more precisely than prose.
My abiding faith in the wisdom of our electorate is what gives me hope.
Through geospatial technologies, you can plan a whole city sitting in your room.
Corruption is in society and in every strata of society.
When I took over the ministry for science and technology, our weather systems were in shambles. Nobody believed in the IMD. Nothing was in digital mode. I changed all that. We got automatic rain gauges, automatic weather stations, Doppler radars.
Corruption is everywhere. It's not just in the Congress. Corruption is not just your prerogative or mine.
The government must adopt a rights-based approach that speaks to the needs and aspirations of surrogate mothers, children born out of surrogacy, and all individuals who want access to altruistic surrogacy services.
If two people cannot live together, both should have the right to opt out of the marriage. In an ideal world, that would be an acceptable solution.
My voice is not good enough for me to sing a song.
Just as judges have enormous stake in the appointment of judicial officers in the higher judiciary, the government has an equal stake. Since both of us have stakes in the appointment of members of the higher judiciary, the consultation of both of them is absolutely necessary. The government must have a say.
There is an urgent need for the Central government to take the lead in ensuring health and nutrition service delivery.
If you employ an army, have money, bombard cyberspace with misinformation, innocent people tend to buy it.
Modi is an excellent orator - sure, anybody who spouts untruths is an excellent orator.
The appointment of judges to the higher judiciary cannot be the sole domain of a few members of the higher judiciary. This turf must be shared.
To fix India's healthcare scenario, what is most needed is 'systems thinking.' For far too long, India has followed a vertical approach in its health sector, which translated into disease-specific national programmes being set up.
BJP is the mothership of violence.
In India, by and large, women are not educated enough to be bread winners and, within the moorings of traditional cultures, do not have the courage and the capacity to leave the matrimonial home. Given the inequality prevalent in family structures, the woman's right to opt out is suicidal.
Cleanliness is a good thing, which the society should embrace. But it has nothing to do with Modi, nor can he implement it.
When you have a limited resource and you have a lot of people wanting that resource, then those who get more justify as to why they got more, and those who get less say they have been treated badly.
I have been writing poetry for a long time now. I started writing in my school days.
That's what technology does to you - makes you lazy but allows you to innovate.