Talking about the loss of my parents... that was really, really difficult to go through.
I've been in a lot of tough businesses: First Lady of San Fransciso, working as model, actress, TV host. You better have thick skin, for sure, but you also need to laugh at yourself. I make fun of myself all the time.
I grew up in the Mission District in San Francisco, which was largely Hispanic at the time. I was raised in a household that was really welcoming to diversity and encouraging about different people's viewpoints and ideas and backgrounds.
Bob Beckel and Juan Williams are two people who I love personally. But what they say drives me absolutely nuts.
Both sides should demand a speedy trial.
It's not just teachers, but coaches are helping to shape the young people of tomorrow.
I believe in people. Human beings, deep down, are essentially good. Any jury can filter through whatever bull might be thrown their way and use common sense to get to the truth of a case. Juries make the right decisions, almost unfailingly, because people know right from wrong.
If I see, hear, or experience anything that I feel is inappropriate, you bet I'm going to speak up.
I have never done anything in my life that my mother would not have approved of or been proud of.
Making smart decisions on who to vote for is difficult.
When I left the San Francisco DA's office, I went down to the Los Angeles district attorney's office, and I was able to try a tremendous amount - very serious cases and working in gang neighborhoods, impoverished neighborhoods - really make a difference and be impactful in those communities.
No matter what stage of life you are graduating from or entering, learning how to build and state your case is something every person in the world should know how to do.
I have my phone by my bed - I know everyone says you're supposed to turn it off - and it distorts your sleep, and they're probably right.
I would come here, too. Who doesn't want a free ride? I want to ride in the carnival for free all day long and put my whole family on welfare.
Continual, intentional, or snarky putdowns have no place in a healthy relationship.
It is particularly challenging for women who are trying to stay competitive in a real estate market where men really don't have the same degree of safety concerns.
I am at the table. I am first generation. I am Irish-Puerto Rican. I am a single mom.
I am a strong woman. I come from a background as a prosecutor.
I think Alzheimer's is an important cause.
I've always had an interest in broadcast journalism and the law. So it's nice that I can combine the two.
It doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman - stay alert and focused on your surroundings. Travel with friends. Know where you are at all times, and never let your guard down.
There's nothing like the feeling of being in Times Square for New Year's Eve. It's such a great rush. You feel like the whole world is there. People from all over the world coming to celebrate together.
Sadly, as a seasoned prosecutor, I know what dark acts people are capable of.
Roger Ailes, he's incredible. He's the one that created 'The Five' and came up with the idea for it.