Washington is built on power.
Women in my focus groups, they say a bald man is trustworthy. He has nothing to hide.
Donald Trump is at his very best, at his very best, when he talks about the issues.
I've noticed a lot of people are very bold and blustery on Twitter because it's easy to do that with the poison keyboard and a hundred and forty characters.
You're saying it's a falsehood. And they're giving - Sean Spicer, our press secretary - gave alternative facts.
The fact is that Hillary Clinton could not stand up to a cheating husband, so how in the world would she stand up to North Korea and some of our other enemies around the globe?
Caucuses are different than primaries, and winner-take-all primaries are how Mitt Romney eventually took over Newt Gingrich in 2012 and why Rick Santorum left.
Voters go into the ballot box with big ideas in their mind: leadership, change, experience, hope.
To be confronted as you exit the polling place is really a matter of if you have the time, if you have the inclination to speak to a stranger, and if you want to divulge what is a very sacred, private matter - the way that you just voted.
Most women say 'Please speak to me from the waist up: my brain, my eyes.'
The hidden Trump vote in this country is a very significant proposition.
To me, it's a different kind of voter suppression to constantly try to make people feel like the election is over before it's even begun.
What's happened with the over-the-counter birth control issue is that the Democrats didn't see it coming. They think that they've got a monopoly on talking to women from the waist down. Anything that has to do with reproduction and birth control and abortion - they call it women's health, then they call it women's issues.
To women, a flip-flopper is the functional equivalent of the guy who never calls and always changes his mind.
If the Republican Party does not learn to understand unmarried women as the political force and potent voting bloc that they have become, we risk becoming the minority party.
I serve at the pleasure of @POTUS. His message is my message. His goals are my goals. Uninformed chatter doesn't matter.
Women have been late-in-the-game deciders. They weigh all of the issues, all of the images, and all of the information and make a choice almost at the last minute.
Donald Trump embraces his wealth. Hillary Clinton wants us to forget that she made $21.5 million on 92 speeches.
The caricatures that the mainstream media and the Democrats have about Republicans have taken hold.
You can't appeal to us through our wombs, we're pro-life. The fetus beat us. We grew up with sonograms. We know life when we see it.
I look at what the polls say about attributes. I noticed in 2004 that George W. Bush led John Kerry by double digits for eight straight months on the question of who is more likely to take a position and stick with it.
Very few people know anybody like John McCain, someone who suffered and had his body, yet not his spirit, broken for six years as a POW and who has served his nation.
African Americans are concerned about the scourge of abortion in their community, and respond to related facts and figures. Large majorities agree that every life should have a chance, regardless of race, socioeconomic status or circumstance.
Most political wives are accidental politicians.