They're out there. Black boys in white suits up before me to commit sex acts in the hall and get it mopped up before I can catch them.
There's a lot of people who don't understand the circle crops in England. Pure enigma.
Later, hiding in the latrine from the black boys, I'd take a look at my own self in the mirror and wonder how it was possible that anybody could manage such an enormous thing as being what he was.
'What worries me, Billy,' she said - I could hear the change in her voice - 'is how your mother is going to take this.'
If you're a Conservative, why aren't you behind conserving the land?
When people ask me what I think is my best work, it's the bus. There're lots of books, but there's only one bus.
I was raised a Christian and was a stone-faced acid head.
You think I wuh-wuh-wuh-want to stay in here? You think I wouldn't like a con-con-vertible and a guh-guh-girl friend? But did you ever have people l-l-laughing at you? No, because you're so b-big and so tough! Well, I'm not big and tough.
Loved. You can't use it in the past tense. Death does not stop that love at all.
There's something about taking a plow and breaking new ground. It gives you energy.
The Haight is just a place; the '60s was a spirit.
Fascism wants Baptism coast to coast.
I used to think we were going to win in the '60s. Nixon went out and I thought we won.
You don't lead by pointing and telling people some place to go. You lead by going to that place and making a case.
I can't help it. I was born a miscarriage. I had so many insults I died. I was born dead. I can't help it.... I'm tired.
When we first broke into that forbidden box in the other dimension, we knew we had discovered something as surprising and powerful as the New World when Columbus came stumbling onto it.
What we hoped was that we could stop the coming end of the world.
'But I tried though,' he says. 'Goddammit, I sure as hell did that much, now, didn't I?'
I thought for a minute there I saw her whipped. Maybe I did. But I see now that it don't make any difference.... To beat her you don't have to whip her two out of three or three out of five, but every time you meet. As soon as you let down your guard, as soon as you lose once, she's won for good. And eventually we all got to lose. Nobody can help that.
Tricker the Squirrel is the best piece I ever wrote. It's intricate.
I'd rather be a lightning rod than a seismograph.
I've been to too many Dead concerts. There've been smokin' holes where my memory used to be.