As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted 14 years ago...
I think democracy's undermined when those who own newspapers fill them with trivia rather than real issues.
Anybody who enjoys being in the House of Commons probably needs psychiatric help.
Short of being prime minister there isn't a better job in British politics than running London.
Global warming could be solved by shifting three to four per cent of global GDP to pay for it.
The whole culture of my background was deeply Conservative.
One thing that Chairman Mao did was to end the appalling foot binding of women. That alone justifies the Mao Tse-tung era.
I think it's much more important to keep people in work than have pay rises.
What do we do about climate change bearing down upon us?
To avoid manufactured misunderstandings, the policies of Israeli governments are not analogous to Nazism. They do not aim at the systematic extermination of the Palestinian people, in the way Nazism sought the annihilation of the Jews.
I never came into life with any favours or privileges.
I want finally to thank Londoners for their solidarity. There are some places in the world where such an incident would have unleashed internal strife and physical violence. London has stood together, we haven’t had any problems of the sort you might see in other parts of the world and I think it says everything about what is right about this city.
Everyone changes all the time.
There is now a desperate need for a London-wide left caucus of those interested in the GLC and local councils so that we can compare and discuss what is happening in each borough.
I do explicitly see Jewish people as a people - not either a religion or an ethnicity but a people.
What a squalid and irresponsible little profession it is. Nothing prepares you for how bad Fleet Street really is until it craps on you from a great height.
I liked it when we had ugly politicians who droned on about issues.
Only some ghastly dehumanised moron would want to get rid of the Routemaster.
Most people wouldn't want to marry a politician.
I spent the 1960s and 1970s seeking myself - the working-class tradition of self-education.
There isn't much about my life that's been particularly conventional.
The next election will bring an influx of over 120 new MPs who will be overwhelmingly on the Left.
There needs to be radical development in equality law to create the environment to allow women to stay in work.
Everyone is bisexual. Almost everyone has the sexual potential for anything.