Without question, conditions in the Haiti are worse since Aristide's removal, and continue to deteriorate.
Charles B. Rangel -
Of course things get stagnant; people get too used to their environment, but that's why I'm in my district every week, at meetings with my constituents.
Charles B. Rangel
I don't know whether the number of any particular Latino group has made or will make any particular difference in the issues that I am concerned with.
Charles B. Rangel -
I have a record that I'm so very, very proud of, and no campaign is going to take that away.
Charles B. Rangel -
By requiring all 30 million Americans age 18 to 25 to perform two years of national service, in the military or civilian life, we will be asking for a shared sacrifice from all American citizens.
Charles B. Rangel -
The Klan had used fear, intimidation and murder to brutally oppress over African-Americans who sought justice and equality and it sought to respond to the young workers of the civil rights movement in Mississippi in the same way.
Charles B. Rangel -
No American should live in fear of going to work or sending their kids to school. Let's end the fear. Let's enforce existing gun laws.
Charles B. Rangel -
As the wealthiest nation on Earth, we have made a commitment to provide health care for those over 65. In order to pay for this, each of us should contribute the same, flat percentage of our earned income.
Charles B. Rangel
Liberty and security are often in direct confrontation and must be balanced in a way that protects us without destroying what is worth protecting.
Charles B. Rangel -
Living in New York City, I am reminded by the Statue of Liberty that the United States of America has always welcomed those yearning to breathe free and seek a better life.
Charles B. Rangel -
A default on our debts as a result of not meeting our obligations would be a disaster for the stock market, and Americans would see their retirement funds shrivel up.
Charles B. Rangel -
As a Korean War veteran, I know firsthand and understand the sacrifices made by our men and women in uniform.
Charles B. Rangel -
Now is the time for the U.S. and the nations of Western Europe who engaged in the slave trade throughout this hemisphere to come forward in a positive way to assist in undoing the harm that was caused by their past colonial policies in the hemisphere.
Charles B. Rangel -
So many deaths could be prevented if measures were implemented to expand background checks and keep individuals like John Hinckley from ever buying firearms in the first place.
Charles B. Rangel
I am a firm believer that upon release, ex-offenders should be afforded a second chance to become productive citizens by providing rehabilitation and education that will help them join the workforce.
Charles B. Rangel -
Hurricane season routinely strikes the Caribbean harder than the U.S.
Charles B. Rangel -
Since coming to Congress in 1971, I have been fighting to help create an environment where the goals of the National Work and the Family Month can become a reality.
Charles B. Rangel -
I authored the Universal National Service Act because I believe that everyone in America should contribute to the greater good of America.
Charles B. Rangel -
A greater tax deduction for students is not a handout. On the contrary, it helps those who are willing to meet the challenges of higher education to invest in our collective future.
Charles B. Rangel -
Thousands of people may have been killed by hurricane Katrina and many more could die in its aftermath because of the President's refusal to heed the calls of governors for help in repairing the infrastructure in their states.
Charles B. Rangel
I went to college and law school with the help of the GI Bill. That experience moved me so much, I dedicated the rest of my life to serving this great country and helping others succeed.
Charles B. Rangel -
To honor the legacy of veterans and the democratic principles they fought for, I am glad that I introduced the Korean War Veterans Recognition Act which was enacted in 2009.
Charles B. Rangel -
Those of us in the Congress must confront and overcome Republican intransigence to increasing the minimum wage, extending unemployment insurance and protecting food stamps.
Charles B. Rangel -
Our immigration policy should be driven by what is in the best interest of this great country and the American people. Comprehensive immigration reform will strengthen U.S. security and boost economic growth.
Charles B. Rangel