I was not a happy or popular or happy-with-myself kid, and I wasn't an especially motivated student, either.
Let's just say I'm a believer in universal, single-payer healthcare insurance.
After Diana passed, I did not believe for one second that I would remarry or that I would be in love again.
I was always small and thin. I wasn't the kid who got invited to parties.
When I was in grad school, I wrote one early story that was Vegas, and then I stayed away from it. I was trying to expand and do different things. I knew I would write about it, but I stayed away for as long as I could.
In English, I never did the reading when it was assigned. If a paper was due on Friday, my attitude was, read half the book on Tuesday, the second half on Wednesday, and write the paper Thursday night. Sometimes, I'd just read the Cliff's Notes and skip the book altogether.
I never ran away, but I was very unhappy as a teenager. I felt like a complete nonentity, and I very tangibly have memories of not wanting to be here - in my body.
It wasn't a leap for me to go from not wanting to be in my body as a teenager, not wanting to be in my house, to thinking, 'What would happen if I had disappeared?' And then going from writing scenes of angry kids to thinking a little more about the parents and what their lives would be like.
Every author dreams of the kind of attention that 'Beautiful Children' has received in the press. Obviously, it's a shock whenever it happens. So yeah, I'm as surprised as everybody else.
One older brother of mine collects comics, and when I was younger, I collected them, too.
I'm not really a meditator. I'm, like, a napper.
I really love my chosen craft. No matter whether it's disappearing or disappeared from the mainstream, that's really been where my mind and heart is.
I very much loved my late wife, Diana Joy Colbert, and I'd rather hold onto what I can.
Really, I've worked my whole adult life at fiction, to try and write fiction.
My sister, who is a wonderful and beautiful actress now, when she was 11 or 12, she would go out and take pictures of the punk parties in the desert. She used to have blue hair, and she got kicked out of Las Vegas Day School for having blue hair.
'Death Of A Salesman,' 'Streetcar Named Desire,' these are the things that, when I was growing up, made me want to be an artist.
I was an unhappy teenager, and there's just no way around it.