For the past few centuries, we have defined beauty as tall, slender figures, femininity and white skin.
Statistics show that diversity in the media is pretty dismal. Critical voices from women and people of color are missing from many important conversations.
I usually decide what to wear in the morning, but sometimes, I'll have a favorite coat or sweater or shoes, and I'll wear them everyday for a week!
Image is powerful, but image is also superficial.
I have no idea what advantages I truly get, but I know people talk to me and give me time of day because they like how I look.
My style is definitely not ladylike - frills and bows kinda scare me - but I like the military look because I love that olive green khaki color.
Modelling is no better or worse than many other professions, but it is more obvious, more accessible.
I do get free stuff.
In the history of the world, all five mass extinctions have been accompanied by massive climate change, so we are facing an incredibly serious threat. In fact, we are technically in the sixth mass extinction right now, and it is the first mass extinction being attributed to humans.
Even if I did give a good talk, is what I have to say more important and interesting than what Colin Powell said?
I am insecure... because I have to think about what I look like every day.
Like many young people, I believe I have potential to make a positive impact in the world.
My last two years of high school, I think I went to Burger King every day for lunch.
I was bullied at school.
Sometimes, great collaboration is hard to nurture online, so doing so offline is the way to go.
Women are often worried about how they look, and that's not superficial. We know that our appearance has nothing to do with how smart, creative, or hardworking we are, but it plays powerfully into what society decides we are worth.
At the Big Bad Lab, we build participatory art and media platforms for causes, communities and organizations we care about.
In 2007, a very inspired New York University Ph.D. student counted all the models on the runway, every single one that was hired, and of the 677 models that were hired, only 27, or less than four per cent, were non-white.
Usually, TED only invites the most accomplished and famous people in the world to give talks.
Modelling is an incredible platform.
My first day of high school, I wore brown boys' corduroys that my mom had sewn Sesame Street elastic into - they were my coolest pants - and a lime green Patagonia fleece that my mom found at Goodwill. I loved fleece.
If you are ever wondering, 'If I have thinner thighs and shinier hair will I be happier?' you just need to meet a group of models because they have the thinnest thighs and the shiniest hair and the coolest clothes and they're the most physically insecure women on the planet.
The barrier to entry, to being a model, is not hard work. You don't need a degree. You don't need to win an award. It's just about how you look.
Saying you want to be a model when you grow up is akin to saying you want to win the Powerball when you grow up. It's awesome, and it's out of your control, and it's not a career path.