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There are possibilities that dreams are our little windows upon a parallel timeline.
I think there are a lot of different things that dreams do for the individual and they're fascinating because it's not totally known what they do, but we have some science that is opening the door to a new world as we speak.
I'm sick of being known as the sexy guy that writes great songs.
I didn’t quit that band because I wanted to. I quit that band because I had to. Because when people give you an ultimatum about your family, what are you going to do? But the problem was no one was being truthful at the time.
I'm going to usher in this entire new culture of the youth, obsessed with the future.
I grew up skateboarding, but I don't even do that anymore.
Everyone else but me surfs. I grew up skateboarding, but I don't even do that anymore. I'll get hurt and die. But if I die, I'll sell more records. We're thinking of doing that. Actually dying.
Geometric shapes hold an energy pattern, and scientists did some experiments which say certain geometric shapes can affect matter around them. It's simply because when a human looks at a shape, they instantly receive energy from their brain.
I just wanna see a UFO, really
I believe that working independently will give artists the ability to communicate the full extent of their art and not just a piece of it that might sell.
'Love' has that Kubrick tonality to it, but this is not a Stanley Kubrick movie - there will never be another. At the same time, 'Love' has a modern feel. For example: In one scene, these astronauts go through a wormhole sequence, and you feel like you're being slapped around inside your head by a sonic boom.
The Angels shows are really intense. We play for a couple hours at a time. They're very theatrical and full of audience interaction and emotion. I've seen a lot of people crying and stuff. It's a little bit like church, but it's very secular.
I know how big Blink are and I know the legacy with it and everything, but Angels & Airwaves, to my heart and to the people who like it, this is the release of my life.
There are lots of things that I'm always pulling inspiration from.
When we started Angels Airwaves, we wanted to produce our art on different mediums, but the film was an ambitious one because we actually didn't go into it thinking we could make a big feature film.
You’ve got to not only love yourself for who you are with all your mistakes, but you’ve got to love the world for what it can bring you if you have the right attitude.
I always want to do different things. I'm always obsessed with trying to do different things.
Angels and Airwaves shows are like an ascension to Heaven.
I've realized that I love all forms of music and get excited when any artist goes crazy and creates something that is an experience.
Music can take you some interesting places. I’m happy to support just about anyone who isn’t part of the current administration, and especially someone with such all inclusive views. Equality is everything. Be good…
Leaving my home today to go do this. I love my home. My wife, our dogs. But my love of drumming, of making music, is strong enough to pull me away time after time.
If you know me at all, you know how big this is for me. brendancanty has been the most influential drummer on me from my first band to everything I’ve ever played on.