I bought it [sha la la la lee] because of steve marriotts voice. I didnt realise until recently it was written by kenny lynch. I'm not at all embarrassed, great song and great band.
I formed a band called Atomic Rooster. The Atomic Rooster was sort of an underground cult band, sort of psychedelic. We did very well.
There is nothing like having your hands on a keyboard. Or an acoustic piano. Those are the things you can't really replace.
Yes was without a singer at that point, cause they were doing ABWH, so you had ABWH, and then you had the 90125 band without a singer.
You have to let your music be true and then people who want to adopt it as that, they take it on and they love it, and it changes their world.
I've been trying to make records and I describe it almost like a "movie for your ears" where it's a little unconventional in its shape and form, but there's something that's intriguing in keeping you wanting to wait and see the next frame of film, except in here what's coming around the corner for your ears.
Don't pay attention to what anyone is telling you about your personal journey just keep going, because that's what it's all about.
I started playing drums at a pretty early age because my parents were musicians. My dad was an amazing multi-instrumentalist and I can play a lot of instruments, but my dad actually played all the instruments I could play and then added another twenty five or thirty five different categories on there ...he was incredible! He got an act actually in Vegas, my parents Bobby and Phyllis Sherwood.