He writes music that spins itself out indefatigably. There's a wonderful strain of humor there. It's quirky, often bizarre, there's an irreducible strangeness to his style. It's unlike any music I've ever heard.
So many Americans don't have their car serviced at the car dealer. But there's often a break in the knowledge stream between the manufacturers and independent repair shops. What manufacturers needed to do was bring highly trained technicians back in contact with consumers through the dealer.
Our approach is understanding where they are in their life. We're like a personal chief financial officer for the client.
For the record, we've never had anyone call and say I wish you did more on the corporate governance side
I?m living proof that toxic gas was not dropped on us that day. Nobody showed any signs of exposure to toxic gas.
A drop that large over one month would cause you to be wary of taking that at face value. It is a little unusual.
This is not just about homosexuality or homosexual acts -- it's about an agenda and subculture that is in direct conflict with the teachings of the Catholic Church, ... Goodbye, Good Men: How liberals Brought Corruption Into the Catholic Church.
We know that the hope was that the focus of the buildings would remain artistic. We've tried, not believing we're able to assuage any of those hurt feelings, to embrace the spirit of the place by making art a focal part of our environment.
When someone has a large change in their wealth, you'll find someone who's much more inclined to revisit all aspects of their financial circumstances.
The program is anarchic, irreverent and definitely not suitable for family viewing -- perfect for the Internet.
For this time of year, we are way above the five-year norm for storage. We are in really good shape.
There are a lot of people that got short this market.
It's the best thing that's happened for many years. I was a young man the last time we won the Ashes. When English sport is good, the country feels good.
They're looking at the cold weather coming. That's what you're seeing in the market right now.
The long-range forecast is for more warm weather. There's no doubt about it. When it's cold in New York, the prices go higher, and when it's warmer, prices go lower.
All things, however, are not equal. Longevity is not a trait that exists in isolation; it evolves as part of a complex life history, with a wide range of underpinning physiological mechanisms involving, among other things, chronic disease processes.
You'd have to have lived under a rock somewhere to not have heard of it.
He couldn't eat at a restaurant without people recognizing him. He was just a great guy, an enjoyable, pleasant man who donated himself to causes in any way he could. He has endeared himself to a whole generation of Baby Boomers. He was a dear friend of mine, a very convivial man, interested in everybody.
There's still a lot of gas in storage.
The expertise offered by John Jay College in this area is proving very valuable to us. The analysis and validation of international crime statistics from our member countries helps us to ensure that this material is of high quality, reliable and useful.
Which is why I am still out here representing for the betterment of the people. There’s too much badness in the music.My little contribution is to bring a little love to the people; love save the people.
It’s going to be an example to the world. People will see the crime rate drop; there will be less sick people in California. I see it happening all over the world. It’s just a little tree. Whether you smoke or don’t smoke, what harm can a little tree do? People use the tree to make clothes, teas, edibles, so it can be used for things like that also.