Q: You never heard about it again? A: No. There was no Face-Space or Twitter at the time, so they would have had to put it in a ’zine. Now it’s just folklore. Except it’s not folklore because I’ve just confirmed it.
Davey Havok Blaqk Audio -
Usually, old ladies tell me to find Jesus. Look, I'm just trying to find some chai and a good vegan muffin.
Davey Havok Blaqk Audio
I grew up watching MTV, so it's very surreal to me to think that there might be someone out there watching MTV, looking at us the way I used to look at Davis Madonna and Duran Duran videos.
Davey Havok Blaqk Audio -
I became a vegetarian out of compassion for animals and to live as healthy as possible. I realized soon after that I was truly concerned with nonviolent consumption and my own health, a vegan diet was the best decision.
Davey Havok Blaqk Audio -
I'm an extremist, I have to deal with my own extreme personality, and I walk the fine line of wanting to die and wanting to be the ruler of it all.
Davey Havok Blaqk Audio -
I've heard there are vegan corn dogs - I don't know if that's true but, jeez, I'd love to eat one of them.
Davey Havok Blaqk Audio -
Personally I have never found the practice of recreational drug use appealing. In fact, I have always found the lifestyle and the people who surround it to be abhorrent.
Davey Havok Blaqk Audio -
I mean that'd be great if we could continue to be staples of alt-rock radio. I don't take that for granted.
Davey Havok Blaqk Audio
That type of autograph, pictures and apparel thievery was not part of what I grew up with. I loved the artists and their music. I would be thrilled to meet them, but the thought of getting a scribble or stealing an article of clothing never occurred or appealed to me.
Davey Havok Blaqk Audio -
As far commercial success, I don't think that's a focus but it's not that we don't enjoy that. It's not something you can attempt and achieve.
Davey Havok Blaqk Audio -
The people who send us fan mail written in blood say the nicest things, so it doesn't freak us out too much.
Davey Havok Blaqk Audio -
I heard recently that I used to date Patrick Swayze.
Davey Havok Blaqk Audio -
I attribute a lot of the success to Live 105, of course, because it's something they've nurtured and grown.
Davey Havok Blaqk Audio -
For us, the pressure comes from internal matter of having recorded eight records.
Davey Havok Blaqk Audio
I was the freak who moved into the nice neighborhood.
Davey Havok Blaqk Audio -
There are only a few places that I go where people recognize me anyway. I have to be at the right place, in the right city. It's not really that much of an issue.
Davey Havok Blaqk Audio -
But when I cut off my hair I even had friends not recognize me.
Davey Havok Blaqk Audio -
I’ve heard we’re Christian, and that always tickles me. I’ve heard that I’m a junkie. I’ve heard that I’m a vampire. I’m a junkie vampire. That can be your pull-quote.
Davey Havok Blaqk Audio -
I just heard a story from someone the other day where somebody was beaten up by Christians for wearing one of our shirts. Of course, that's a very Christian thing to do.
Davey Havok Blaqk Audio -
When I was sent to public school, I was relieved that I could wear what I wanted to wear.
Davey Havok Blaqk Audio
As far as vocal preparation goes, it’s really an interesting thing for such a fragile instrument and using it properly is like walking a tightrope. I have learned not to do extensive warm-ups. It’s really more of a cerebral mind-body connection Zen hippy thing, just knowing your body and figuring out if I do that then I will be able to speak tomorrow.
Davey Havok Blaqk Audio -
People do get ridiculed for liking us or because they look the way they do and they're a part of what we do.
Davey Havok Blaqk Audio -
It's a wonderful side effect of what we're doing, to give someone the strength to come out of the closet to their family, or simply present themselves aesthetically in a way they feel happy with, whether or not their friends are going to be allowed to like them anymore.
Davey Havok Blaqk Audio -
I’ve gotten kicked in the face, got my nose broken, I’m constantly chipping teeth and there’s been a lot of very close calls with Hunter the band’s bassist. In a recent show, if our movement had’ve been inches different, I might be dead. I almost caught his bass to my head at full velocity. You laugh but it’s really scary.
Davey Havok Blaqk Audio