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I'd rather make one righteous dollar on my level Than make a million dollars spittin' rhymes for the devil.
I am the manifestation of study, NOT the manifestation of money. Therefore, I advance through thought, NOT what's manufactured and bought.
Rap is like a set-up...a lot of games, A lot of suckers with colorful names. 'I'm so-and-so,' 'I'm this, I'm that.' But they all just wick-wick-wack.
Teach the student what needs to be taught. 'Cause black and white kids both take shorts When one doesn't know about the other one's culture, Ignorance swoops down like a vulture.
Ignorance is a poison and knowledge will nourish.
If Hip Hop has the ability to corrupt young minds, it also has the ability to Uplift them.
You sleep with a man, that's your husband. So make sure before you lay down, you love him.
Hip is to know, it's a form of intelligence. To be hip is to be update and relevant. Hop is a form of movement, you can't just observe a hop, you gotta hop up and do it. Hip and hop is more than music Hip is the Knowledge, hop is the Movement. Hip and Hop is Intelligent movement
There's a Universe Instrument, where we apply Hip-Hop to astronomy, and we flush out the chemistry of Hip-Hop. We also flushed out the astronomy, to see where Hip-Hop is read in the stars.
Do you ever think about when you outta here? Record deal and video, outta here!? Mercedes Benz and Range Rover, outta here!?
No [other rappers are on my level], none of them. Here, let me put it like this in the sky, there are a million stars, but when the sun appears, you see none of them. I am the sun.
I'm not saying I'm number 1, oh sorry I lied.. I'm number 1,2,3,4 and 5
It's not about a salary, it's all about reality.
Believers of Jesus be denouncing Satan on every level, But every Halloween they're dressin' like devils.
You got to have style, and learn to be original.
If I were to critique myself - step out of KRS objectively and look at him - I would say that KRS has introduced the concept of being hip-hop, not just doing it. The concept of rap as something we do, while hip-hop is something we live. The concept of living a culture. Don't just look at hip-hop as rap music, see it as a culture.
If we have power to degrade an entire society, then we also have the power to uplift it.
So you think that hip-hop had it's start out in Queensbridge, If you popped that junk up in the Bronx you might not live.
I used to let the olde english 8- suds bubble in the last car of the Franklin Avenue shuttle
I like to think of myself as a pure rebel;
A radical thinker on a musical level.
As a conscious rap artist, you should not want to be in a gangster market. You should be trying to establish your own market, create a place where you can be yourself and make some money and feed your family.
Kings lose crowns but teachers stay intelligent
There could never really be justice on stolen land.