The design of the new Civic is a big departure from the previous model, and its shape and features presented us with many manufacturing challenges. When you talk about the manufacturing of a vehicle like the new Civic, we want to meet the needs of the design team, while also improving production processes in terms of quality, safety, and effectiveness of the manufacturing process.
The Bay Area is probably better prepared than most urban areas for a natural disaster. But it's not prepared enough.
The simulations show us where the hot spots are, and they show us how we should prioritize the strengthening of buildings. That's the most important thing.
We need to recognize the buildings that are the most dangerous and would cause the most loss of life. They need to be identified, then strengthened or replaced.
The pressure on the engineering community at that time was to prove they could design buildings that wouldn't be damaged by earthquakes. We are still doing that.
There's very little mitigation going on, and it's because it's so expensive to do, just like it was so expensive to fix the levees. So I think we would have the same reaction: Why didn't we fix those buildings? Why didn't we fix the infrastructure?