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I actually think I play better now than I've ever played.
Andy Summers The Police -
I spend a lot of time working as a painter and in my studio I go from upstairs where I paint to downstairs where I play and record, so I get this thing crossing over.
Andy Summers The Police
I think you can get the wrong impression about me from my work and think I'm always a bit down. I'm not that way at all. I'm fun-loving.
Sting The Police -
That sense of failure, I don't know where people put it who don't write songs and aren't able to emote physically. It must go somewhere.
Sting The Police -
I don't need to manufacture trauma in my life to be creative. I have a big enough reservoir of sadness or emotional trauma to last me.
Sting The Police -
I miss England. I miss the weather. I've spent moss of the last 25 years on tour. I'm ready to come home.
Sting The Police -
It has very little to do with my work, but if your image is not sexy enough, people won't listen. It's part of the game.
Sting The Police -
If you make your living writing, and you can't write anything, it's over. It's very frightening.
Sting The Police
I've never lost perspective on who I am. Well, maybe briefly, but generally I'm pretty balanced.
Sting The Police -
It's been very hard for the guitar as a serious synthesizer to compete with keyboards.
Andy Summers The Police -
Making music has gotten easier; selling it has gotten harder. Making music has been democratized, but the market is in the hands of fascists.
Stewart Copeland The Police -
That whole thing of replicating what others do is a siren call. The sirens lure you to the rocks of unoriginality.
Stewart Copeland The Police -
If you're a guitarist, you should not be intimidated by using your instrument as a synthesizer, but you shouldn't feel that you have to own one, either.
Andy Summers The Police -
I think I'm a focus for international attention.
Sting The Police
What I wanted to do was play the guitar but I don't like instrumental rock. I think it is tripe.
Andy Summers The Police -
I have a big problem with piped music. I like either silence or to listen to it properly.
Sting The Police -
The most obvious thing you can't do with a guitar synthesizer is to really sound like a guitar.
Andy Summers The Police -
Of course the playing is important but writing and the establishing of what you are going for is prime too.
Andy Summers The Police -
I try to give the media as many confusing images as I can to retain my freedom. What's real is for my children and the people I live with.
Sting The Police -
Don't believe everything you see on VH1.
Stewart Copeland The Police
For me, the guitar synthesizer is a great writing instrument.
Andy Summers The Police -
Actually, I think my hands are in the best shape they've ever been in terms of what I can do.
Andy Summers The Police -
More recently, I used guitar synthesizer extensively on the two albums I did with Robert Fripp.
Andy Summers The Police -
The acceptance of death gives you more of a stake in life, in living life happily, as it should be lived. Living for the moment.
Sting The Police