My biggest celebrity crush is either Ryan Reynolds or Caleb Followill, the lead singer of Kings of Leon.
Hillary Scott Lady Antebellum -
There are so many music genres competing against each other, but I feel like country music has always been a unified front.
Hillary Scott Lady Antebellum
My wife and I met right down the street. Our single, 'Just a Kiss' is kind of about that moment. I was trying to replicate that dance-off between Justin Timberlake and Brittany Spears.
Charles Kelley Lady Antebellum -
I want a Supreme Court that will stick with Roe v. Wade and a woman's right to choose, and I want a Supreme Court that will stick with marriage equality.
Hillary Scott Lady Antebellum -
It is always weird to be in the studio working on Christmas music in June and July, so we decorated the entire studio, we really did. We brought out lights, fake trees and decorated the place to get in the Christmas spirit. You'd leave the studio, and it'd be 100 degrees out in Nashville, but nonetheless, a great experience.
Dave Haywood Lady Antebellum -
The three of us just try put our heads down and stay creative. The awards truly are just cake. It's one of those things that you never expect, but getting the head nod from either the fans or your peers, that's the ultimate compliment.
Hillary Scott Lady Antebellum -
We love great melodies and great songs that have great hooks and melodies, so we start a little bit more on that side as opposed to other people that start more lyric-based. Sometimes we'll do it the other way.
Dave Haywood Lady Antebellum -
I wanted to be a vet, a nurse, a chef - I mean, anything but the music industry. But once I hit high school, the bug really bit me. You can't deny where you come from and what's in your genes, and music definitely was. I haven't looked back since.
Hillary Scott Lady Antebellum
I see too many celebrity kids who can't sing. If you don't have it, give it up, because people are brutal. I never want my kids to feel like they have to live up to what I've done.
Charles Kelley Lady Antebellum -
We have our roots in country, and that's our foundation, but we pull from a lot.
Dave Haywood Lady Antebellum -
That's a different side of the brain going into the studio, as opposed to doing a live show, obviously.
Charles Kelley Lady Antebellum -
That's kind of the theme of Own the Night. It's about those nights that are so memorable you could live them forever.
Charles Kelley Lady Antebellum -
I never want to cut music ever again that I'm just kind of into, because we definitely didn't do that in the beginning.
Charles Kelley Lady Antebellum -
One of Lady Antebellum's first big tours was opening up for Kenny Chesney.
Charles Kelley Lady Antebellum
We're definitely a hodgepodge of influences. Mine, most heavily, would be Southern rock - the Allman Brothers, Lynyrd Skynyrd and stuff like that. Hillary is more from the country side - her mom is Linda Davis, a country singer. Dave, he's a big fan of the Eagles and like that.
Charles Kelley Lady Antebellum -
Dave and I had been song writers in Nashville, trying to get around, out hustling, trying to meet people. We randomly met Hillary out in town one night. She said she was a singer. I asked her if she would like to write some songs with Dave and me, and a week later she came over. Instantaneously we had this chemistry.
Charles Kelley Lady Antebellum -
When you do anything for eight or nine years, you start getting a little comfortable; you start taking things for granted.
Charles Kelley Lady Antebellum -
When you're making a record - and I've never said this to anybody, but it's true - when you're making a record, and you go, 'Man, this might win a Grammy!' you feel that level of confidence when you're making a record.
Charles Kelley Lady Antebellum -
If I had to name one thing that probably causes more conflict within the band, it's probably the fact that I'm the girl, and it takes much longer with hair and makeup and wardrobe. But they've gotten used to it. It's one of those things I think they realize that when they say she'll be ready in 10 minutes, it normally means 15 or 20.
Hillary Scott Lady Antebellum -
I've been told I'm an old soul, but I'm only 25. I have the old with the new in me, and my house reflects that.
Hillary Scott Lady Antebellum
There's definitely been some songs in the past that we've put out, and it was purely us going, 'Okay, we think radio will play this. We think this will be a hit. This will be big for the show,' and all this stuff. But it's like, do you really believe in it?
Charles Kelley Lady Antebellum -
At the Grammys, you walk down the halls and everyone's got five security guards. You can't talk to anybody. You always feel out of place, like, 'Hey, the rednecks are in town!'
Dave Haywood Lady Antebellum -
Mumford and Sons and Adele are both incredible artists and are great for popular music. There's a lot of club music with heavy beats, so to have that Mumford record and hear banjos being used is so cool.
Dave Haywood Lady Antebellum -
I think for new artists the hardest thing is putting the face with a name. People maybe heard our song on the radio or something but until they get several impressions of who you are - from whatever it is, whether TV or a live show, I feel like they don't quite connect the dots.
Charles Kelley Lady Antebellum