Asking someone to describe what something sounds like is like telling a blind person to guess what I look like.
All of our songs take these really big creative turns and twists throughout the process, so sometimes songs will start out as a melody or some musical chord progressions.
Computers and the Internet have made it really easy to rant. It's made everyone overly opinionated.
We don't sit down and go, 'People are uneasy about the economy. Let's write about that.'
When you're in love, you've found your soul mate, you think life is going one way, and suddenly it's completely apparent it's not. You have to rethink your whole purpose.
It's not cool to be an alcoholic.
As an artist, I want a reaction.
Once we start hitting lyrical themes that can whack you from all these different perspectives, we know we're onto something special.
We'd like to think that our music will always be bigger than any one of our individual personalities.
For me, you say the words 'concept record,' and the first thing I think of is theater or the opera or something.
If fans come up to me, I talk to them.
It's incredibly stressful when the person you love is having a child.
The fans are the biggest reason we do what we do.
I have been able to tap into all the negative things that can happen to me throughout my life by numbing myself to the pain so to speak and kind of being able to vent it through my music.
It seems like everyone's got an agenda, and the agenda seems to be selling magazines or air time with sensational stories.
I tend to get my hands into all these other things and all these distractions, and after a while I start feeling depleted.
I prefer to break new ground, but it gets harder and harder with the territory that's already been walked on.
There are always going to be encounters that you kind of wish went differently. But the average fan really isn't fanatical.
To be a great band it's like you have that telepathy. You know when the bass player's in back of you without even looking. You know when your guitar player's coming up to you to lean up to you and sing into your microphone. You just know these things. You feel it. You feel the energy of it.
We're shooting for the title of hardest-working band in America.
I prefer a three-piece suit myself. Very sixties rock and roll. But they're not too quirky. Businessmen could wear them.
When I'm not completely loaded, it's a much more vulnerable place. I can feel the music, I can feel the energy and I really have to put it out there. When I was loaded, I was just oblivious.
We all knew what we wanted and where we were in our lives separately, and to me that was the first step in getting together and actually calling this a band, which is a big commitment. It's one thing writing music together and going through those motions, but actually committing to being a band is a huge thing.
Well, a lot of successes come by mistake.